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    Petroleum and Natural Gas Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Petroleum and Natural Gas applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Petroleum and Natural Gas.

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    The Plains, Northern, Foothills Boundary feature class contains polygon features representing Department of Energy Regional Boundaries for the Province of Alberta. The Alberta Regional Boundaries divide Alberta into the Plains Region, Northern Region, and Foothills Region, for administration of Petroleum and Natural Gas Licences. A petroleum and natural gas licence is issued for an initial term of two years if it is located in the Plains Region, four years in the Northern Region, and five years in the Foothills Region.

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    The Non-Crown Mineral Ownership dataset represents land under which any party other than the Province of Alberta holds the mineral rights. This data includes freehold mineral rights as well as mineral rights held by the federal government for National Parks, Indian Reserves, and Surrendered Indian Reserves.

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    A mineral restriction is in place to limit and define mineral exploration and development within the Alberta government's mandate to protect natural or historical sites and to manage mineral resources. Examples of mineral restrictions include Bird Sanctuary, Provincial Park, and Coal Mine Licence Area. Restriction types with different levels of surface access are the result of government policy and all are mineral or substance specific.

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    Metallic and Industrial Minerals Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Metallic and Industrial Minerals applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Metallic and Industrial Minerals.

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    The Plains, Northern, Foothills Boundary feature class contains polygon features representing Department of Energy Regional Boundaries for the Province of Alberta.

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    Coal Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Coal applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Coal.

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    Oil Sands Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Oil Sands applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Oil Sands.