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    This dataset contain the 1:20 000 scale spot height elevation text converted from the Provincial Digital Base Mapping Project.

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    This dataset contains boundaries of Regions representing geographic areas of responsibility within Environmental Enforcement Branch, Alberta Environment and Protected Areas. These boundaries are administrative/operational in nature, and are subject to change. Environmental Enforcement Branch Districts nest within Environmental Enforcement Branch Regions.

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    The Alberta Transportation District dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Alberta Transportation Districts in Alberta. The Transportation District is the 2nd level of administrative established by Alberta Transportation to manage roads (primary and secondary highways) under their jurisdiction.

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    The Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone is the geographic extent of Alberta which indicates the intention of the Government of Alberta to recover grizzly bears. The Recovery Zone is also be a priority for attractant management, management of other sources of human-bear conflict, and building public education, awareness, and understanding of grizzly bears and their recovery. The Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan Management Zones dataset contains four layers: Grizzly Bear Core Access Management Area, Grizzly Bear Secondary Access Management Area, Grizzly Bear Habitat Linkage, and Grizzly Bear Support Zone. Please see the individual metadata records for additional details on each layer.

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    The Green/White Area dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Green and White areas in the province of Alberta for the Department of Alberta Environment and Parks administrative purpose.

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    The Town dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Towns in Alberta. Town is a municipality type defined under the authority of the Municipal Government Act. The formation of a Town can occur if a majority of buildings are on parcels of land smaller than 1850 square metres and there is a population of 1000 or more.

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    The Alberta Transportation Region dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Alberta Transportation Regions in Alberta. The Transportation Region is the 1st level of administrative established by Alberta Transportation to manage roads (primary and secondary highways) under their jurisdiction.

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    Mountain Goat and Sheep Ranges were determined from both observations (telemetry and aerial sheep/goat surveys) and habitat suitability indexes. Goat and sheep ranges have been buffered by 800m to derive zones. Range delineation encompasses use during all seasons.To identify goat and sheep ranges in an effort to: a) avoid land use disturbances that may have a direct or indirect adverse effect on the behavior of the animals, and b) avoid permanent alteration of physical habitat conditions. An area south of Grande Prairie was added to the layer in November 2022.

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    This cartographic quality series of 1:1 000 000 scale colour maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta. The primary provincial base map displays the Alberta Township System (ATS), major hydrographic features, municipalities, major roads, railways and select geoadministrative features (parks, reserves, etc.). In addition to the primary provincial base map, this series includes various themes that overlay the primary base map. The update of this map series is based on the provincial Base Features Access Update Program that has an approximate 5 year update cycle. Each individual map sheet is provided in Adobe .pdf format.

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    This dataset is a spatial representation of the boundary for the Kananaskis Conservation Pass for which a written legal description will be created. Visit or for more information about the Kananaskis Conservation Pass, including a map. The pass will be in effect for both parks and public land within this boundary, pending Bill 64, the Public Lands Amendment Act passing in the legislature. The area includes Parks, Recreation Areas, Public Land, and the Public Land Use Zone (PLUZ). It excludes the McLean Creek P.R.A., Fisher Creek P.R.A., and the McLean Off-highway Vehicle Use Zone. The Public Lands Camping Pass for random camping on the Eastern Slopes does not apply to public land in the Kananaskis Conservation Pass area.