Contact for the resource

Government of Alberta; Government of Alberta; Environmental Protection (1992-1999)

2 record(s)
Type of resources
Contact for the resource
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Representation types
Update frequencies
From 1 - 2 / 2
  • Categories  

    Dataset including information on wildfires in the province of Alberta from 1961 to 1982, inclusive. Information tracked for each fire includes: cause, size, location (latitude and longitude, legal land description, and forest area), time and duration, weather conditions, staffing and physical resources used to suppress the fire, and area burned.

  • Categories  

    Dataset including information on wildfires in the province of Alberta from 1983 to 1995, inclusive. Information tracked for each fire includes: cause, size, location (latitude and longitude, legal land description, and forest area), time and duration, weather conditions, staffing and physical resources used to suppress the fire, and area burned.