Government of British Columbia; Government of British Columbia; Forest Science, Planning and Practices Branch
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Forest disturbances mapped primarily by the annual provincial aerial overview survey are recorded as polygons or spots (point data). This data set represents the spot (point) data. Each spot is labelled by the year of survey, forest health factor (disturbance agent), severity class, area, numbers of trees estimated in the spot, and host. Aerial survey data standards are provided on the web at
A direction one looks from a viewpoint towards a visual landscape. When a view is panoramic, it is to the middle of that panoramic view
The spatial representation of a Forest Stewardship Plan and Forest Development Units. A Forest Stewardship Plan is a plan submitted by a forest industry licensee stating how the BC Government's objectives for managing the province's forest resources will be met. It identifies the plan-holder's obligations for a five-year period. The Forest Development Unit is the spatially-mapped area of land within a Forest Stewardship Plan where specific forest practices obligations apply to specific forest licensees.
Vegetative or non-vegetative objects alongside major roads and highways preventing passers by from seeing the surrounding landscape
The VLI identifies and delineates areas of visual sensitivity near communities and along travel corridors throughout the province. It includes information about the visual condition, characteristics and sensitivity to alteration. It also houses scenic area and established Visual Quality Objective ( VQO ) attributes.
Licensees who hold Forest Stewardship Plan agreements
Area delineating the Mountain Pine Beetle Salvage area
A cross reference table that allows for the relationship between a Forest Development Unit and a forest licence. An FDU may contain many licences, and a licence may be included in many FDUs
Standards Units for an opening represents desired soil conservation limits and stocking outcomes for the defined net area to be reforested. An opening may have one or more standard units. Standards Units may not overlap. Older records may not have standard unit maps available. Stocking standards represent legal silviculture obligations for harvested areas for the defined standard units. This is part of the Silviculture and Land status Tracking dataset, which includes tracking achievement of silviculture obligations on Crown Land
This layer contains attribute Opening information only and can be used in conjunction with other layers. RESULTS Openings is an administrative boundary that has been harvested with reforestation obligations or natural disturbance with intended forest management on Crown Land. This is a part of the Silviculture and Land Status dataset, which includes tracking achievmeent of silviculture obligations on Crown Land. Non-spatial attribute data delivered in CSV format