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    **NOTE: Not for operational use. This dataset is the result of an analysis (Aug 2018) of many input layers and as such the accuracy, currency, and completeness of the dataset cannot be relied upon for operational or management decision making.** Land designations that contribute to conservation are spatially-defined areas established through legislation or purchased for the protection of nature and cultural values, the conservation of biological diversity and ecosystem services and the management of natural resources. Over 40 land designations were divided into three broad categories: - **Protected Lands** includes all Parks & Protected Areas and Other Protected Lands with the primary purpose of the long-term conservation of nature and cultural values. - **Resource Exclusion Areas** includes all designations that fully exclude one or two resource activities for the purpose of conservation. - **Spatially Managed Areas** includes all spatial designations managing or limiting development or a resource activity for the purpose of conservation, or a spatial management regime in place to preserve specified elements of biodiversity but where activity is still allowed to occur. Land designations layers were combined into a single layer, with overlaps removed such that areas with overlapping designations were assigned to the highest conservation contribution category. **Data sources:** A list of the source datasets, including links to their sources, more information, and data processing steps is available [**here**]( Details on methods are available [**here**]( Previous versions of the data are available [**here**](

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    PEM_Projects contains Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) project boundaries (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g., reports, polygon datasets, plotfiles, legends). PEM uses modeling to divide the landscape into units according to a variety of ecological features including climate, physiography, surficial material, bedrock geology, soils and vegetation. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_PROJECT_BOUNDARIES_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: PEM, PEMWHR, and PEMSDM. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01) Note that PEM polygon attribute data is not currently in the BCGW but is available for download in the TEI Data Distribution Packages. Refer to:

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    Stream Centreline Network derived from 1:50,000 scale mapping. Each stream channel is represented by one or more line segments. Based on the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of Maps.

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    Soil Survey Project Boundaries (soil mapping study areas) contains the soil survey project area and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g., soil survey reports, polygon datasets, plotfiles, scanned maps, legends). Soil Mapping divides the landscape into units according to soil association, name, type, drainage, parent material, and texture. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_PROJECT_BOUNDARIES_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: SOIL, TIMSOI, and SOILSW. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01) The Soil Survey dataset contains project boundaries as well as the soil survey polygons which are available in a variety of formats including: 1) via the [Soil Information Finder Tool]( Mapping App (interactive app), 2) [Soil Survey Spatial data]( with [Soil Name and Layer Files]( (for download or viewing via iMapBC), or as 3) [Soil Mapping Data Packages]( with geodatabase or shape files, and a data dictionary.

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    TEM_ GT20K contains TEM polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes completed at a scale greater than 1:20 000 (i.e. 1:10 000 or 1:5 000). TEM divides the landscape into units according to a variety of ecological features including climate, physiography, surficial material, bedrock geology, soils and vegetation. TEM methods include manual air photo interpretation supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE and PROJECT_MAP_SCALE attributes Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)

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    Environmental Monitoring Stations (EMS) spatial points coverage for the Province by LOCATION TYPES. The following spatial layers reference this as a data source: 1. Environmental Monitoring - All Stations 2. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Air Monitoring (Ambient Air Site) 3. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Air Monitoring (Air Permit) 4. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Water Monitoring) 5. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Water Permits) 6. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Well) 7. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Observation Well) 8. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Spring)

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    Ecodomains are areas broad climatic uniformity, defined at the global level

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    Stream Macro-Reaches delineated through interpretation of Topographic features from the 1:50,000 scale Canadian National Topographic Series of Maps.

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    STE_TER_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SVW contains Terrain Mapping (TER) polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. Mapping criteria vary considerably between the terrain inventory, bioterrain and terrain stability mapping projects contained in this layer. TER divides the landscape into units according to surficial materials, landforms and geomorphological processes using the Terrain Classification System for British Columbia. TER methods include manual air photo interpretation supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_POLY_ATTRIBUTES_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: TEM, TEMNSS, TEMPRE, TEMSEI, TEMSET, TEMTSM, TSM, TSMREC, TSMDET, TIM, TBS, TBT, TIMSOI, TEMWHR, TEMSDM, TEMPRW, and TEMSEW. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)

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    Index outlining historical floodplain mapping areas. Contains links to Floodplain Mapping Reports stored in Ecological Reports Catalogue (EcoCat)