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    Amalgamations of Wildlife Management Units which share similar ecological characteristics and hunter harvest patterns, and thus provide a suitable geographical framework for implementing population management strategies

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    An Ungulate Winter Range (UWR) is defined as an area that contains habitat that is necessary to meet the winter habitat requirements of an ungulate species. UWRs are based on current understanding of ungulate habitat requirements in winter, as interpreted by FLNR regional staff from current scientific and management literature, local knowledge, and other expertise from the region. UWRs within this set of data are currently in the review and consultation stage of the area designation process. As UWRs are designated they will be moved into the [Approved Ungulate Winter Range]( dataset.

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    The dataset contains approved legal boundaries for ungulate winter range and specified areas for ungulate species.

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    These lines represent routes within Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulation Areas where motor vehicles are prohibited or restricted year round or seasonally. These lines were created as a visual representation of the Wildlife Act Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulations. Under the Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulation of the provincial Wildlife Act, motor vehicle use on crown land in B.C. may be prohibited or restricted. This data is a summary of the Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulations, and is intended for general information purposes only. Where there is a discrepancy between these maps and the Regulations, the Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulations are the final authority. Motor Vehicle Prohibitions (MVP) are put in place for a variety of reasons. MVPs can be used to: * protect habitat * reduce disturbance and displacement of wildlife * provide areas for hunters on foot, bike or horseback to hunt without motorized vehicles present * reduce hunter harvest while maintaining hunting opportunity   Motor vehicles include but are not limited to: * vehicles * ATVs/UTVs * snowmobiles * motorcycles * electric bikes   For full definitions and detailed regulations, visit the Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulations website (available under Related Links). There are 2 types of motor vehicle restrictions under the Wildlife Act, and all types can be seasonal or year-round. 1. **Motor Vehicle Closed Area** (formerly referred to as Access Management Areas (AMAs): Prohibits the use or operation of a motor vehicle and e-bike. These prohibitions can be for all motor vehicles, or specific to ATVs/e-bikes or snowmobiles. 2. **Motor Vehicle Hunting Closed Area**: The operation of motor vehicles and e-bikes to hunt, transport wildlife, transport equipment and supplies which are intended for or in support of hunting, or transport hunters to and from the location of wildlife is prohibited. These prohibitions can apply to all motor vehicles, or be specific to ATVs/e-bikes or snowmobiles.

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    TA_WILDLIFE_MGMT_AREAS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of the areas under the administration and control of the Conservation Lands Program of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development and designated as Wildlife Management Areas under the Wildlife Act due to the significance of their wildlife/fish values. The view was created to provide a simplified view of this data from the administrative boundaries information in the Tantalis operational system

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    The Province is divided into nine administrative regions, having a total of 225 wildlife management units (WMU) for the purpose of efficient game management.

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    This record contains Grizzly Bear population estimates for British Columbia for multiple years: 2012, 2015 and 2018. The 2012 Grizzly Bear population estimate report for British Columbia report is available here: The 2018 Grizzly Bear population estimate report for British Columbia report is available here: Grizzly Bear population estimates for 2015 & 2018 are provided below in tabular comma separated value (.csv) file format, as well as a zipped (.zip) Esri file geodatabase (.gdb) spatial data file format. There is no spatial difference between the 2015 & 2018 spatial data polygons, as only the population estimate numbers in the spatial data's attribute table were updated (and only if a change in population estimates occurred from 2015 to 2018). 2015 population estimates are based on 2012 numbers, but adjusted to the revised GBPU sub-units. The 2015 & 2018 population estimates in the comma separated value (.csv) tables are provided in two units: 1. Grizzly Bear Population Unit (GBPU) and 2. GBPU sub-unit. The sub-units are composed of Grizzly Bear Population Unit (GBPU), Wildlife Management Unit (WMU), Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) and National Park boundaries, taken at the time of this data's creation. _Note that that these boundaries are not coincident. Slight adjustments have been made to some polygons where needed to align the original linework to create the GBPU sub-units._ _Therefore, do not dissolve the GBPU sub-units to replicate the source data._ Bear density is given in number of bears per 1,000 square kilometers, based on the net polygon area. The net polygon area excludes ice and water features from the Baseline Thematic Mapping dataset ( Ice and water features can be identified by using this selection criteria: PRESENT_LAND_USE_LABEL IN ('Fresh Water', 'Salt Water', 'Glaciers and Snow'). Please view the PDF file below for more information on the data change history, and for a description of the spatial data attribute fields: BC_Grizzly_population_estimates_2015_and_2018_by_GBPU_population_sub_units_metadata.pdf Grizzly Bear population units are available here: Grizzly Bear Conservation Ranking results table is available here: Grizzly Bear reports are available here:

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    Defined areas allocated by certificate under the British Columbia Wildlife Act to guide outfitters for the purpose of guiding residents, non-residents or non-resident alien hunters to hunt big game species.

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    Conservation Lands spatial and attribute data. This includes related information on various types/classes of land secured for fish, wildlife and habitat conservation purposes. It includes Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) designated by Order in Council (OIC). Source data are from Tantalis as well as the derived product from GeoBC. Overlap between this dataset and the [__NGO Conservation Areas - Fee Simple__]( dataset will occur where NGO lands have been leased to the province. Discrepancies between the provincial layers and this dataset are due to differing source cadastral information. A [__Conservation Cross Reference Table__]( provides a link between this dataset and the NGO Conservation Areas – Fee Simple dataset. The CIP_PCL field in the NGO Conservation Areas dataset links to the Conservation_Land_ID field in the provincial Conservation Lands dataset.

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    Boundaries identifying similar behavioural ecotypes and sub-populations of Grizzly bears. This dataset contains versions from multiple years. From 2018 on, NatureServe conservation concern ranking categories (e.g., Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Extreme Concern) supersede the pre-2018 population status categories (e.g., Viable, Threatened, Extirpated) contained in the field STATUS. NatureServe conservation concern ranking categories reflect population size and trend, genetic and demographic isolation, as well as threats to bears and their habitats. The NatureServe conservation concern ranking fields are named CONSERVATION_CONCERN_RANK and CONSERVATION_CONCERN_DESC. Please view the attached PDF file for a summary of changes to this dataset from 2012 onward. To download only the 2018 units, in the link below, select the "Export" tab, then select the "Provincial Layer Download" button:,7745 Grizzly Bear Conservation Ranking results table is available here: Grizzly Bear population estimates from various years are available here: Grizzly Bear reports are available here: