Government of Canada; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Science and Technology Branch
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The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Material by Ecozone” dataset provides surface material information within the ecozone framework polygon. It provides surface material codes and their English and French language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface material includes the abiotic material at the earth's surface. The materials can be: ICE and SNOW - Glacial ice and permanent snow ORGANIC SOIL - Contains more than 30% organic matter as measured by weight ROCK - Rock undifferentiated MINERAL SOIL - Predominantly mineral particles: contains less than 30% organic matter as measured by weight URBAN - Urban areas. Note that only a few major urban area polygons are included on SLC source maps, therefore, do not use for tabulating total urban coverage
The Ontario Detailed Soil Survey dataset series is at a scale of 1: 50 000 and consists of geo-referenced soil polygons with linkages to attribute data found in the associated Component File (CMP), Soil Names File (SNF) and Soil Layer File (SLF). Together, these datasets describe the spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes for nearly all agricultural areas in southern Ontario.
This data shows spatial density of lentil cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Lentils lentils are more expected. Results are provided as rasters with numerical values for each pixel indicating the spatial density calculated for that location. Higher spatial density values represent higher likelihood to have Lentils lentils based on analysis of the 2009 to 2021 AAFC annual crop inventory data.
This data shows spatial density of canary seed cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which canary seed is more expected. Results are provided as rasters with numerical values for each pixel indicating the spatial density calculated for that location. Higher spatial density values represent higher likelihood to have canary seed based on analysis of the 2009 to 2021 AAFC annual crop inventory data.
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Permafrost by Ecoprovince” dataset contains tables that provide permafrost information within the ecoprovince framework polygon. It provides permafrost codes and their English and French language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Permafrost is defined as a state of the ground, whether soil or rock, that remains at or below a temperature of 0° C for long periods (NRC, Permafrost Subcommittee, 1988). The minimum period is from one winter, through the following summer, and into the next winter; however, most permafrost has existed for much longer. This formal definition considers only the temperature of the ground, and thus permafrost is a strictly thermal phenomenon, and not a material. At temperatures below 0° C , almost all of the soil moisture occurs in the form of ground ice. Ground ice usually exists at temperature close to its melting point and so is liable to melt if the ground warms. The extent and nature of permafrost, including estimated ice content and typical ground ice forms are derived from the map "Canada - Permafrost" (Natural Resources Canada, 1995).
The Census of Agriculture is disseminated by Statistics Canada's standard geographic units (boundaries). Since these census units do not reflect or correspond with biophysical landscape units (such as ecological regions, soil landscapes or drainage areas), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in collaboration with Statistics Canada's Agriculture Division, have developed a process for interpolating (reallocating or proportioning) Census of Agriculture information from census polygon-based units to biophysical polygon-based units. In the “Interpolated census of agriculture”, suppression confidentiality procedures were applied by Statistics Canada to the custom tabulations to prevent the possibility of associating statistical data with any specific identifiable agricultural operation or individual. Confidentiality flags are denoted where "-1" appears in data cell. This indicates information has been suppressed by Statistics Canada to protect confidentiality. Null values/cells simply indicate no data is reported.
First Fall Frost (-2 °C) is defined as the average day of the second half of the year with the first occurrence of the minimum temperature of a climate day which is at or below -2 °C. These values are calculated across Canada in 10x10 km cells.
This data series represents the volumetric soil moisture (percent saturated soil) for the surface layer (<5 cm). The data is created daily and is averaged for the ISO standard week and month. The data is produced from passive microwave satellite data collected by the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite and converted to soil moisture using version 6.20 of the SMOS soil moisture processor. The data are produced by the European Space Agency and obtained under a Category 1 proposal for Level 2 soil moisture data. The data are gridded to a resolution of 0.25 degrees. Data quality flags have been applied to remove areas where rainfall is present during the acquisition, where snow cover is detected and when Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is above an acceptable threshold.
The Census of Agriculture is disseminated by Statistics Canada's standard geographic units (boundaries). Since these census units do not reflect or correspond with biophysical landscape units (such as ecological regions, soil landscapes or drainage areas), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in collaboration with Statistics Canada's Agriculture Division, have developed a process for interpolating (reallocating or proportioning) Census of Agriculture information from census polygon-based units to biophysical polygon-based units. In the “Interpolated census of agriculture”, suppression confidentiality procedures were applied by Statistics Canada to the custom tabulations to prevent the possibility of associating statistical data with any specific identifiable agricultural operation or individual. Confidentiality flags are denoted where "-1" appears in data cell. This indicates information has been suppressed by Statistics Canada to protect confidentiality. Null values/cells simply indicate no data is reported.
Difference from normal soil moisture is the modelled amount of plant available water (mm) in the root zone of the soil, minus the average amount that has historically been available on that day. This value is intended to provide users with a representation of conditions above or below normal and by the amount of water (mm). Values are computed using the Versatile Soil Moisture Budget (VSMB)