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    The Fieldnotes dataset represents the anticipated locations of DFO Science field operations for 2020-2021 in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as in the coastal and interior waters of British Columbia and the Yukon.

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    The Fieldnotes dataset represents the anticipated locations of DFO Science field operations for 2021-2022 in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as in the coastal and interior waters of British Columbia and the Yukon.

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    Zooplankton data collected during surveys conducted in the central and northern Strait of Georgia, 1996-2018.

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    This dataset consists of three simulations from the Northeastern Pacific Canadian Ocean Ecosystem Model (NEP36-CanOE) which is a configuration of the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) V3.6. The historical simulation is an estimate of the 1986-2005 mean climate. The future simulations project the 2046-2065 mean climate for representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 (moderate mitigation scenario) and 8.5 (no mitigation scenario). Each simulation is forced by a climatology of atmospheric forcing fields calculated over these 20 year periods and the winds are augmented with high frequency variability, which introduces a small amount of interannual variability. Model outputs are averaged over 3 successive years of simulation (the last 3, following an equilibration period); standard deviation among the 3 years is available upon request. For each simulation, the dataset includes the air-sea carbon dioxide flux, monthly 3D fields for potential temperature, salinity, potential density, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, nitrate, oxygen, pH, total chlorophyll, aragonite saturation state, total primary production, and monthly maximum and minimum values for oxygen, pH, and potential temperature. The data includes 50 vertical levels at a 1/36 degree spatial resolution and a mask is provided that indicates regions where these data should be used cautiously or not at all. For a more detailed description please refer to Holdsworth et al. 2021. For inquiries about this dataset, if Amber M. Holdsworth is unavailable, please contact James R. Christian (Principal Investigator) at: Email: Phone: 1 (250) 686-6081 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Institute of Ocean Sciences 9860 West Saanich Road P.O. Box 6000 Sidney, BC V8L 4B2 Canada

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    These data were created under DFO’s Strategic Program for Ecosystem-based Research and Advice - Aquatic Invasive Species Program: “Evaluation of the movement of marine infrastructure as a pathway for aquatic invasive species spread”. This geodatabase contains floating dock locations in coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest, from Puget Sound, Washington to Southeast Alaska. These data were assembled by Josephine Iacarella and used in an analysis to understand the role of floating infrastructure as a vector in the spread of marine nonindigenous species (Iacarella et al., 2019). The data are represented as point vectors, though docks have associated size estimates. Data were collected with the aim to have the most accurate representation of coastal coverage of structures in 2017. The most recent images from Google Earth were used, though in some areas these date back a few years. Floating docks included those that extended into the subtidal and were not fixed on pilings. Dock locations were binned into size categories, with small docks and associated marina structures grouped together as ‘marina areas’ based on spatial clustering and a visual estimate of size (haphazard measurement selection, n=35 per category; small: 57.2 m2 ± 6.7, medium: 379.1 m2 ± 42.8, marina area: 4,453.5 m2 ± 744.4). A total of 7,809 floating dock sites were recorded, covering an estimated area of 2.3 km2.

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    Pepin et al. (2014) stated that three nested spatial scales were identified as relevant for the development of ecosystem summaries and management plans: Bioregion, Ecosystem Production Unit (EPU), and Ecoregion. A bioregion is composed by one or more EPUs, while an EPU consists of a combination of ecoregions, which represent elements with different physical and biological characteristics based on the analytical criteria applied. Pepin et al. (2014) reported on the consolidation of data and analyses of ecoregion structure for the continental shelf areas from the Labrador Sea to the mid-Atlantic Bight and provided recommendations on the definition of EPUs in the NAFO Convention Area. The results of two K-means clustering analyses (one geographically constrained and one un-constrained) and expert knowledge (including and considering location of ecoregions, knowledge of the distribution of major marine resources and fish stocks, and geographic proximity for delineation/definition of potential management units) served as guides for evaluation by NAFO’s (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) working group on ecosystem science and assessments (WG-ESA). The final consensus from the discussions identified eight (8) major EPUs that can serve as practical candidate management units (from the 50 m isobaths, where research vessel data were available, seaward to the 1500 m isobaths) that consist of the Labrador Shelf (NAFO subareas 2GH), the northeast Newfoundland Shelf (subareas 2J3K), the Grand Banks (subareas 3LNO), Flemish Cap (subarea 3M), the Scotian Shelf (subareas 4VnsWX), Georges Bank (parts of subareas 5Ze and 5Zw), the Gulf of Maine (subarea 5Y and part of 5Ze) and the mid-Atlantic Bight (part of subarea 5Zw and subareas 6ABC). Southern Newfoundland (subarea 3Ps) was not included in the original analysis because fall survey data were unavailable. However, it was later added as an EPU after additional analysis of the fish community structure and trends using survey data from the spring, which indicated that this area is heavily influenced by the surrounding EPUs (NAFO 2015). The proposed candidate management units correspond to the EPUs that define major areas within the bioregions which contain a reasonably well defined food web/production system. The working group noted that the consensus solution represents a compromise that aims to define management units based on the boundaries of existing NAFO subareas that are appropriate for estimation of ecosystem and fishery production. References: NAFO. 2015. Report of the 8th Meeting of the NAFO Scientific Council (SC) Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment (WGESA). 17-26 November 2015, Dartmouth, Canada. NAFO SCS Doc. 15/19. Pepin, P., Higdon, J., Koen-Alonso, M., Fogarty, M., and N. Ollerhead. 2014. Application of ecoregion analysis to the identification of Ecosystem Production Units (EPUs) in the NAFO Convention Area. NAFO SCR Doc. 14/069.

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    This dataset consists of three simulations from the Northeastern Pacific Canadian Ocean Ecosystem Model (NEP36-CanOE) which is a configuration of the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) V3.6. The historical simulation is an estimate of the 1986-2005 mean climate. The future simulations project the 2046-2065 mean climate for representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 (moderate mitigation scenario) and 8.5 (no mitigation scenario). Each simulation is forced by a climatology of atmospheric forcing fields calculated over these 20 year periods and the winds are augmented with high frequency variability, which introduces a small amount of interannual variability. Model outputs are averaged over 3 successive years of simulation (the last 3, following an equilibration period); standard deviation among the 3 years is available upon request. For each simulation, the dataset includes the air-sea carbon dioxide flux, monthly 3D fields for potential temperature, salinity, potential density, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, nitrate, oxygen, pH, total chlorophyll, aragonite saturation state, total primary production, and monthly maximum and minimum values for oxygen, pH, and potential temperature. The data includes 50 vertical levels at a 1/36 degree spatial resolution and a mask is provided that indicates regions where these data should be used cautiously or not at all. For a more detailed description please refer to Holdsworth et al. 2021. The data available here are the outputs of NEP36-CanOE_RCP 4.5; a projection of the 2046-2065 climate for the moderate mitigation scenario RCP 4.5. For inquiries about this dataset, if Amber M. Holdsworth is unavailable, please contact James R. Christian (Principal Investigator) at: Email: Phone: 1 (250) 686-6081 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Institute of Ocean Sciences 9860 West Saanich Road P.O. Box 6000 Sidney, BC V8L 4B2 Canada

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    Greenland Sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) are estimated to have the highest longevity of any invertebrate (392 ± 120 years), making bycatch a significant concern (Nielsen et al. 2016). However, in the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) region, accurate estimates of bycatch are not often available for the species (Simpson et al. 2021). To address this, species distribution models (SDMs) were generated to delineate habitat suitability for the species throughout the NL region in order to identify areas where a higher rate of bycatch is expected to occur. Observations of Greenland shark bycatch recorded by At-Sea Observers (ASOs) in NL (1983 – 2019), Spain (1999 – 2017), and by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Secretariat (2014 – 2019) were compiled to generate a presence-only dataset. Multiple environmental variables were assessed for collinearity, and non-collinear variables (Bathymetry and mean monthly bottom temperature for March and November (1990 – 2015)) were retained for use in the SDM. MaxEnt (maximum entropy) software was used to model habitat suitability because it is a presence-only modelling program that is able to account for a lack of absence data by comparing the environmental conditions at occurrence locations to those at randomly selected background points. Overall, the results indicated that habitat suitability for Greenland Shark was highest in deeper waters along the shelf edge in NAFO Divisions 3OP, and the Laurentian Channel, but also extended along the edge of the Labrador shelf, the Grand Banks, and deeper areas along the continental shelf such as the Hawke Channel, Funk Island Deep, and the slopes of Saglek, Nain, and Hamilton Banks. Beyond the Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ) and within the NAFO regulatory area (NRA), suitable habitat was also present within the Flemish Pass, and along the slope of the Flemish Cap and shelf edge in NAFO Divisions 3NO (Simpson et al. 2021). More detailed information can be found in Simpson et al. 2021. References: Nielsen, J., R. B. Hedeholm, J. Heinemeier, P. G. Bushnell, J. S. Christiansen, J. Olsen, C. B. Ramsey, R. W. Brill, M. Simon, K. F. Steffensen, J. F. Steffensen. 2016. Eye lens radiocarbon reveals centuries of longevity in the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus). Science 353 (6300):702-704 Simpson, M. R., Gullage, L., Konecny, C., Ollerhead, N., Treble, M.A., Nogueira, A., González-Costas, F. 2021. Spatial-temporal variation in Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) bycatch in the NAFO Regulatory Area. NAFO SCR Doc. 21/028

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    Catch, effort, location (latitude and longitude), and associated biological data from the Eulachon Migration Study Bottom Trawl surveys on the coast of British Columbia. Introduction: The Eulachon Migration Study Bottom Trawl surveys are divided into two parts; the Eulachon Migration Study Bottom Trawl – South (Eul –S) and the Eulachon Migration Study Bottom Trawl – North (Eul-N). The objectives of these surveys were to learn about the distribution, ecology, and migration timing of Eulachon into and out of the Fraser (Eul-S), Nass, and Skeena River (Eul-N) systems. This was achieved by observing Eulachon spatial and temporal occurrence and biological condition over a wide survey region each month. EUL-S covered portions of the Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca Strait in Pacific Fishery Management areas (PFMA’s) 17-20, 28, 29, and 121. There were nine trips conducted from October 2017 to March 2018 and one trip in January 2019. Eul-N consists of seven trips conducted between July 2018 and March 2019 mainly in Chatham Sound with sets in Hecate Strait, and Portland Inlet (Pacific Fishery Management areas (PFMA’s) 3, 4, and 104). Fishing was conducted using the Canadian Coast Guard Research Vessel Neocaligus to tow an American shrimp trawl net (Cantrawl Nets Ltd., Richmond, BC). The horizontal opening of the polypropylene net was estimated to be 34 to 37 feet (10 to 11 m), while the center of the opening had a vertical height of approximately 7 to 9 feet (2 to 3 m). A 0.4” (10 mm) liner was used in the codend. The net was configured with roller gear and 72” (1.8 m) Thyboron Type 2 trawl doors. Tow duration was typically 20 minutes for Eul-S and ranged from 5-20 minutes for Eul-N. The standard hours of fishing were 0700 to 1700 hours, depending on sunrise and sunset in winter months. These surveys follow a random block design in a targeted depth range of 80 – 200 metres for the Eul-S and 80-300 metres for Eul-N. The surveys were conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and was funded by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) National Rotational Survey Fund.

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    Exposure to wind-driven waves forms a key physical gradient in nearshore environments influencing both ecological communities and human activities. We calculated a relative exposure index (REI) for wind-driven waves covering the coastal zone of the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy bioregion. We derived REI and two other fetch-based indices (sum fetch, minimum fetch) from two formulations of wind fetch (unweighted and effective fetch) for input points in an evenly spaced fishnet grid (50-m resolution) covering a buffered area within 5 km from the coastline and shallower than 50 m depth. We calculated unweighted fetch lengths (m) for 32 compass headings per input point (11.25° intervals), and effective fetch lengths for 8 headings per point (45° intervals). Unweighted fetch is the distance along a given heading from a point in coastal waters to land. Effective fetch is a directionally weighted average of multiple fetch measures around a given heading that reduces the influence of irregular coastline shape on exposure estimates. For fetch calculations, we used land features at a 1:50,000 scale for Canadian administrative boundaries (NrCan 2017), and unknown resolution for St. Pierre and Miquelon, and US states bordering the Gulf of Maine (GADM 2012). The summed and minimum unweighted fetch lengths for each point provide coarse summaries of wave exposure and distance to land, respectively. The relative exposure index (REI) gives a more accurate metric of exposure by combining effective fetch with modelled wind speeds (m s-1) and frequency data. We provide the original calculations of unweighted fetch, effective fetch, and other fetch-based indices (i.e., sum, minimum) in csv format along with the REI layer (GeoTIFF format) resampled to 35-m resolution. With broad spatial coverage and high resolution, these indices can support regional-scale distribution modelling of species and biological assemblages in the coastal zone as well as marine spatial planning activities. When using data please cite following: O'Brien JM, Wong MC, Stanley RRE (2022) A relative wave exposure index for the coastal zone of the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy Bioregion. figshare. Collection. References GADM database of Global Administrative Areas (2012). Global Administrative Areas, version 2.0. (accessed 2 December 2020). Natural Resources Canada (2017) Administrative Boundaries in Canada - CanVec Series - Administrative Features - Open Government Portal. (accessed 2 December 2020).