Government of Canada;Natural Resources Canada;CCMEO/SPI/CCRS
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This dataset comprises a map of inland water bodies in Canada and neighboring regions, as described by Ghayourmanesh et al. (2024). The data are mapped using the Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) geographic projection with a spatial resolution of 250 meters. The LCC projection is frequently used as a standard projection at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) (Trishchenko et al., 2016, Trishchenko, 2019). Each pixel value represents a code describing either the probability of inland water presence or land/ocean(sea) mask
Vegetation biophysical parameters correspond to physical properties of vegetation structure (e.g. density, height, biomass), biochemistry (e.g. chlorophyll and water content) or eneregy exchange (e.g. albedo, temperature). The Canada wide products are derived from systematically acquired satellite imagery with spatial resolution from 10m to 30m and provided as monthly temporal or peak-season composites due to cloud cover. Version 0 corresponds to products derived using the European Space Agency Simplified Level 2 Prototype Processor.
FCOVER corresponds to the amount of the ground surface that is covered by vegetation, including the understory, when viewed vertically (from nadir). FCOVER is an indicator of the spatial extent of vegetation independent of land cover class. It is a dimensionless quantity that varies from 0 to 1, and as an intrinsic property of the canopy, is not dependent on satellite observation conditions.This product consists of FCOVER indicator during peak-season (June-July-August) at 100m resolution covering Canada's land mass.
Leaf area index (LAI) quantified the density of vegetation irrespective of land cover. LAI quantifies the total foliage surface area per groud surface area. LAI has been identified by the Global Climate Observing System as an essential climate variable required for ecosystem,weather and climate modelling and monitoring. This product consists of annual maps of the maximum LAI during a grownig season (June-July-August) at 100m resolution covering Canada's land mass.
The dataset includes two data products derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) imager operated by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) onboard Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite: 1) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) 2) Snow Mask (Snow) with supplementary information about data quality and scene identification Each product, NDVI and Snow, has been derived at two spatial resolutions: 1) I-band resolution for 250-m spatial grid (VIIRS image bands I1 and I2) 2) M-band resolution for 500-m spatial grid (VIIRS moderate resolution bands M5 and M7) Datasets are produced with a daily temporal frequency, i.e. one file per day. The study area with the size of 5,700 km × 4,800 km covers Canada and neighboring regions (Trishchenko, 2019). The VIIRS time series are produced from VIIRS /SNPP imagery at CCRS from January 1, 2017.