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    Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure's road network, current to 2022. Created by Manitoba Infrastructure, the 2022 Manitoba Road Network comprises four years of updates.Previous exports were based on the now legacy Control Sections.  In this updated road network, the department adapts an Advanced Linear Referencing System (ALRS) with an Linear Referencing Method based on routes. This new model was build from the control section geometry and then enhanced by adding updated northern roads geometry captured by GPS, as well as interchanges, right turn cutoffs, service roads, and other road alignments not previously captured in the legacy road network.Fields included [Alias (Field Name):  Field description.] OBJECTID (OBJECTID): Sequential, unique whole numbers are automatically system generated. Route ID (RouteId): The route's identifier, an information rich key comprised of designation, route name, and route type. Route Designation  (RteDesignation): The designated level of government responsible for the road. Route Name  (RteName): The name of the route, including direction. Route Type (RteType): The type of route, e.g. PTH (Provincial Trunk Highway), PR (Provincial Road), Acess (Provincial Access Road) Road Number (Signed) (Road_Number_Signed): A highway number labelling field. Shape Length (Shape__Length): Length in meters automatically system generated.