Government of Manitoba; Government of Manitoba; Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development, Forestry and Peatlands Branch
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Manitoba's Forest Management Unit (FMU) boundaries (version 6): There are currently 62 FMUs across the province, which are grouped into Manitoba's 11 Forest Sections. Attributes of this data include the numeric identifiers of the FMU, Forest Section, and Forest Management Licence areas (FML), as well as the name of the Forest Section and FML if applicable. Version 6 is dated August 30, 2022. | Manitoba forest management unit boundaries (version 6): Manitoba currently has 62 forest management units, which are grouped into the 11 forest areas of Manitoba. The attributes of this data include the numerical identifiers of management units, forest areas, and licensed forest management areas, as well as the name of the licensed forest management area, if applicable. Version 6 is dated August 30, 2022. Forest Management Units (FMUs) define a forested area with common forest conditions that are managed in a similar manner. Forest Sections are comprised of FMUs. Forest inventories within Forest Management Units are analyzed to determine allowable harvest limits of softwood and hardwood tree species within each Forest Management Unit. Version 6: Eastern and Western Boundaries of FMU 60 were adjusted to match more detailed water boundary data captured in the last forest inventory. FMUS 82 and 801 have been modified along their shared boundary: a narrow portion of FMU 82 was reclassified as FMU 801, reverting back to the version 4 boundary in the area and continuously restoring the Forest Management Licence (FML) area FML-2 boundary to its version 3 for the same area. Numerous minor edits were made to several FMUs to maintain coincident line work with both the provincial boundary and provincial forests (v5). Two new fields were added to provide a clear relationship between FMUs and FMLs: “FML” and “FML_NAME.” Version 5: This version of Manitoba's FMUs alters boundaries within the Nelson River forest section to include FMUs 800, 801, and 802. The extent of the Nelson River Fo Rest Land Inventory (FLI) is now FMU 801. FMU 801 covers areas that were previously part of FMuS 83, 84, 85 and 87. FMU 800 is east of FMU 801 and covers areas previously part of FMU 83, 84 and 85. FMU 802 is north of FMU 801 and covers areas previously part of FMU 87 and 89. Version 4: The northern portion of FMU 68, along the Rail haul within the Highrock Forest Section, has been adjusted ed so that the boundary falls within water only. Version 4 also splits the 'White Zone' forest section (FMU 76) by ecozones, creating FMU 76 (Taiga Shield), FMU 77 (Southern Arctic), FMU 78 (Hudson Plain), and FMU 78 (Hudson Plain) and FMU 79 (Boreal Shield). Version 3: The southern portion of FMU 67, within the Highrock Forest Section, has been adjusted to align with base features captured in 2009. An 11 ha portion of the Saskatchewan River Forest Section (FMU 59) has also been added to the Highrock Forest Section. The dataset includes the following fields /Datasets include the following fields Name/Name Alias Description MU MU Management Unit (MU) number. Also referred to as Forest Management Unit or FMU. Development unit number. Also called forest management unit. SEC Section Forest section number Forest zone number SEC_NAME Section Name/Name Forest section name Forest section name Forest zone name FML FML Forest Management License Area number forest management area number licensed FML_NAME FML Name/Name Forest Management License Name/Name Forest Management License Area name Area name Area name licensed area name AREA_HA Area/Surface (Hectares) Area in hectares Area in hectares Limits of forest management units in Manitoba — Version 6 The units forest management define a forest area comprising common conditions that are managed in the same way. Forest areas are composed of planning units. The forest inventory of a forest management unit is analyzed in order to determine the limits of the permitted exploitation of coniferous and deciduous species in each unit. Version 6: The eastern and western boundaries of Management Unit 60 have been adjusted to match the more detailed water boundary data captured during the last forest inventory. Management units 82 and 801 were modified along their common boundary: a narrow strip of management unit 82 was reclassified as management unit 801, returning to the boundary of version 4 in the zone and subsequently restoring the boundary of the forest management zone covered by an FML-2 license to its version 3 for the same area. Numerous minor changes have been made to several management units in order to maintain the coincidence of boundary lines with provincial boundaries and provincial forests (v5). Two new fields have been added to establish a clear relationship between management units and licensed forest management areas: “FML” and “FML_NAME”. Version 5: This version of the Manitoba land use units changes the boundaries of the Nelson River forest zone to include management units 800, 801, and 802. The extent of the Nelson River forest inventory is now Management Unit 801. The planning unit 801 covers the areas that were previously part of the planning units 83, 84, 85, and 87. Planning Unit 800, which is located east of Planning Unit 801, covers areas that were formerly part of Development Units 83, 84, and 85. Management unit 802, which is located north of planning unit 801, covers areas that were previously part of planning units 87 and 89. Version 4: The northern portion of planning unit 68 along the railway line in the Highrock Forest Area has been modified so that its boundary is bordered only by water. Version 4 divides the forest area called “white zone” (management unit 76) into ecozones, creating management units 76 (Taiga of the Shield), 77 (Lower Arctic), 78 (Hudson Plains), and 78 (Hudson's Plains), and 79 (Boreal Shield). Version 3: The southern portion of Management Unit 67 in Highrock Forest Area was amended to align with the basic characteristics entered in 2009. An 11 ha portion of the Saskatchewan River forest zone (management unit 59) has also been added to the Highrock forest zone. **This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Manitoba's Forest Management Licence Area (FML) Boundaries – Version 4. The Forest Act provides for the establishment of Forest Management Licences to provide a continuous supply of timber to the forest industry. A Forest Management Licence, granted for a period of not more than 20 years, may be renewed for further periods. The Forest Management Licence describes the land upon which trees may be cut, the volume of wood that may be harvested, and other terms and conditions. There are currently three Forest Management Licences in Manitoba. Timber management and forest renewal are the responsibilities of Manitoba Conservation on Crown Forest Land outside of Forest Management Licence areas, and within Forest Management Licence areas where the wood is used by a facility other than that operated by the Forest Management Licensee. Version 4 of Manitoba's Forest Management Licence (FML) boundaries incorporates minor edits made to the BDY_MB_FMU_PY feature class, ensuring coincident line work with the provincial boundary and provincial forests. Version 3 of Manitoba's Forest Management Licence (FML) boundaries includes FML-2 and FML-3. Previous boundaries associated with FML-1 and IWSAs have been removed. To update and improve the positional accuracy of Manitoba's Forest Management Licence (FML) boundaries, written descriptions of FML areas were referenced along with line work from Forest Land Inventories (FLI), Forest Resource Inventories (FRI) and Manitoba's township fabric to improve p rovincial FML boundaries. Boundary line work for all of the following feature classes were topologically checked for coincident line work: 1. BDY_MB_FMU_PY (Provincial FMUs); 2. Provincial Boundary; 3. BDY_MB_FML_PY (Provincial Forest Management Licence Areas); 4. BDY_MB_FOREST_SECTION_PY (Provincial Forest Sections); 5. BDY_MB_PROV_FOREST_PY (Provincial Forests) The dataset includes the following fields /Les ensembles de données comprennent les champs suivants Name / Nom Alias Description FML FML Forest Management Licence Area number Numéro de zone de gestion forestière visée par une licence FML_NAME FML Name / Nom Forest Management Licence Area name Nom de zone de gestion forestière visée par une licence AREA_HA Area / Surface (Hectares) Area in hectares La surface en hectares Limites des zones de gestion forestière du Manitoba visées par une licence – Version 4