Government of Ontario; Government of Ontario; Natural Resources and Forestry
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An Agreement Forest Area is a polygon feature that identifies an area of forested private land governed by a Forest Management Agreement. Private companies have agreed, through negotiated agreements with the ministry, to carry out planning and all operational timber management, except protection operations (for example, insect and disease pest control). We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis.
The Ontario Radar DSM has the following features: * source data: 1 arc second spaceborne C-Band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) data * MNR Lambert Conformal Conic Projection * vertical datum in both EGM96 and CGVD28, separately * elevation value: floating * local Polynomial Interpolation from vector elevation points * spatial resolution: 30 meter * asurface elevation model This product offers significant advancements in elevation data in the province. [Read the details about these advancements and other technical specifications,]( including data processing, major spatial characteristics of the Radar DSM, and the steps to generate the Northern Ontario Radar DSM. *[MNR]: Ministry of Natural Resources *[DSM]: Digital Surface Model
The Niagara Escarpment Special Policy Area is comprised of the North Aldershot Policy Area and the Waterdown Policy Area. [More information](
This historic dataset delineates valley segments based on a number of different natural features. The data applies to valley segments on the Ontario side of the Great Lakes. ALIS has also been incorporated into the [Aquatic Ecosystem Classification: Great Lakes Basin and Wetlands Data Class](/dataset/aquatic-ecosystems-in-the-great-lakes-basin) and the Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint for Aquatic Biodiversity datasets. *[ALIS]: Aquatic Landscape Inventory System We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis.
Includes: * contour land * contour land approximate * contour land auxiliary/interpolated * contour land depression In southern Ontario the contour interval is 5 meters. In the near north the contour interval is 10 meters. In the Far North the contour interval depends on the information source. Data is collected on an irregular basis.
The Forest Resources Inventory (FRI) provides information about tree species, including: * composition * height * age * density Ontario’s forest resource inventories allow us to support resource management and land use decisions, and help sustain healthy, natural environments. Forest resource inventories for each forest management unit are legally required under the [Crown Forest Sustainability Act (1994)]( Every 10 years, the ministry creates a new forest management plan where inventory data is updated and must be compliant with the requirements detailed in the Act. Ontario’s FRI is also used to meet provincial, federal, and international reporting requirements. These draft FRI Packaged Product data sets are being provided for the purpose of consultation and product development. The number of attributes and the algorithms used to generate the attribute as well as the data formats will change over time and should not be considered the final version. A final version of the structure and content of the FRI will be made available after the required consultations are complete. Data sets will be made available for each Forest Management Unit as they are produced. For more information on the FRI please see: [](
This dataset covers Forest Resource Inventories between 2001 and 2004. It includes: * stand regeneration * harvested trees * trees lost to wildfire, insects, disease or wind damage Information from forest resource inventories provides the basis for major forest resource planning and ministry policy decisions.
Two classes of beaches are distinguished, those with infrastructure and those without. Beaches with infrastructure: open sandy beaches along the shore of a great lake, within approximately 200 meters of a structure. Beaches without infrastructure: open sandy beaches along the shore of a great lake, not within 200 meters of a structure. The Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System didn't digitize beaches. Beaches were digitized by Austin Troy from Google Earth. This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic information system
A Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Road Barrier is when access to a road segment or network is restricted or controlled. Road authorities in Ontario have the mandated responsibility to construct roads or have them constructed on their behalf. They include: * Ministry of Natural Resources (resource access roads and park roads) * Municipalities * Ministry of Transportation * Ministry of Northern Development and Mines * Federal government (roads on federal lands, e.g. national parks, Dept. of Defense) * First Nations * Other, e.g., local roads boards Instructions for downloading this dataset: * select the link below and scroll down the metadata record page until you find **Transfer Options** in the **Distribution Information** section * select the link beside the **Data for download** label * you must provide your name, organization and email address in order to access the dataset This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic information system
Most of these events involved community evacuations, significant structural loss and/or involvement of a Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Emergency Response Officer. Events include those assigned to MNR by an Order-In-Council under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act as well as events where MNR provided requested emergency response assistance. These events fall into one of ten type categories: * dam failure * drought /low water * erosion * flood * forest fire * soil and bedrock instability * Petroleum Resource Center event * EMO requested assistance * continuity of operations event * other requested assistance This product requires the use of GIS software. *[MNR]: Ministry of Natural Resources *[GIS]: geographic information system