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    Overview of Type II mine sies in the Yukon, including abandoned and operating mine sites

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    The Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR) Library owns over 100,000 aerial photographs of the Yukon. You can photocopy or scan (600x600 dpi) aerial photographs in the library. If you wish to scan aerial photos, please bring a new, unformatted USB flash drive. Photocopies are limited to 25 per client, per day. Scanning is unlimited. You can borrow aerial photographs overnight. You must leave your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express) information with the library's staff as security. The EMR Library catalogue also lists aerial photographs held by Highways and Public Works (HPW). To access HPW's aerial photographs, contact the EMR Library. Phone 867-667-3111 or email Many aerial photographs have been scanned and are now available on GeoYukon. For more information on using GeoYukon, contact the EMR Library at 867-667-3111 or email

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    The Mining index maps application is an interactive map application that allows users to select static quartz and/or placer claim maps.

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    The Mining land use registration provides an overview of Mining notifications and mining land use approvals

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    Mapping and classifying wetlands and adjacent upland habitat in the Indian River valley, Yukon

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    Major mine licensing map showing the locations of major hard rock mining project in Yukon.