National Ecological Framework for Canada
The National Ecological Framework for Canada provides a consistent, national spatial framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on. It provides standard ecological units that allow different jurisdictions and disciplines to use common communication and reporting, and a common ground to report on the state of the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada.
The framework was developed between 1991 and 1999 by the Ecosystems Science Directorate, Environment Canada and the Center for Land and Biological Resources Research, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Over 100 federal and provincial agencies, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies contributed to its development.
- Date ( RI_367 )
- 2013-05-21
- Date ( RI_366 )
- 2013-05-21
- Presentation form
- mapDigital;carteNumérique RI_391
- Status
- completed; complété RI_593
- Maintenance and update frequency
- unknown; inconnu RI_543
- Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ( RI_528 )
- Ecology
- Ecosystems
- Terrestrial ecosystems
- Use limitation
- Open Government Licence - Canada (
- Use limitation
- Open Government Licence - Canada (
- Access constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Use constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Spatial representation type
- vector; vecteur RI_635
- Metadata language
- eng; CAN
- Metadata language
- eng; CAN
- Topic category
- Biota
- Begin date
- 1991-01-01
- End date
- 1999-01-01
- Reference system identifier
- / EPSG:3857 / 8.3.4
- OnLine resource
Pre-packaged FGDB files
- OnLine resource
Pre-packaged GeoJSON files
- OnLine resource
Data Product Specification (English)
Supporting Document;PDF;eng
- OnLine resource
Data Product Specification (French)
Supporting Document;PDF;fra
- OnLine resource
National Ecological Framework for Canada
Application;Web App;eng
- OnLine resource
National Ecological Framework for Canada
Application;Web App;fra
- OnLine resource
National Ecological Framework for Canada (English)
Web Service;ESRI REST;eng
- OnLine resource
National Ecological Framework for Canada (French)
Web Service;ESRI REST;fra
- OnLine resource
National Ecological Framework for Canada (English)
Web Service;WMS;eng
- OnLine resource
National Ecological Framework for Canada (French)
Web Service;WMS;fra
- File identifier
- 3ef8e8a9-8d05-4fea-a8bf-7f5023d2b6e1 XML
- Metadata language
- eng; CAN
- Character set
- utf8; utf8 RI_458
- Hierarchy level
- series; série RI_623
- Date stamp
- 2024-09-06T12:01:15
- Metadata standard name
- North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata
- Metadata standard version
- CAN/CGSB-171.100-2009

Spatial extent
Provided by