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    Notagildi og orðskýringar: Skrá þar sem hver færsla, nefnd skiki (e. cadastral parcel), geymir bæði lýsandi og rúmfræðilegar upplýsingar um eigin legu á formi fláka, sem og upplýsingar um heimild skráningar og tengsl við eignarhald í gegnum landeignarnúmer. Afmörkun fláka er táknuð með tvívíðum hnitnum í samræmdu landshnitakerfi ISN93. Uppbygging: - Auðkenni skika er skikanúmer. - Auðkenni landeignar er landeignarnúmer. - Hver landeign samanstendur af einum eða fleiri skikum. - Sumir skikar eru í sameign fleiri landeigna. Þeir skikar eru auðkenndir með færslunni 999999 í dálki landeign_nr. Eigindalýsing: SKIKI_NR er hlaupandi upplýsingalaust auðkennisnúmer skika í landeignaskrá HMS. Aðallykill (PK). Skiki er landfræðileg heild, en LANDEIGN getur verið samsett úr einum eða fleiri skikum, hvort sem þeir liggja saman eða ekki. LANDEIGN_NR er landeignarnúmer SKIKA (afmörkunar) í séreign. Hlaupandi sex stafa auðkennisnúmer landeigna í HMS. Unnt er að afla frekari upplýsinga um landeignir á heimasíðu HMS, hms.is, eftir þessu númeri. SVEITARFELAG_NR - Númer þess sveitarfélags sem skikinn er skráður innan. DAGS_INN - Sú dagsetning er SKIKI (afmörkun) var fyrst skráður í landeignaskrá HMS. DAGS_LEIDR - Sú dagsetning er skráningu SKIKA (afmörkunar) var síðast breytt í landeignaskrá HMS. GAGNAEIGN – HMS er eigandi landeignaskrár. ADFERD_INN - Sú aðferð sem notuð var við að skrá gögnin í Landeignaskrá HMS. - 1 Óljóst. - 2 Innslegin hnit. - 3 Teiknað af þriðja aðila. - 4. Vörpuð gögn. NAKVAEMNI – Áætluð nákvæmni fitju. Tekur ávallt mið af lélegustu mælingu. HEIMILD – Tegund þeirrar heimildar sem fitja er skráð og teiknuð eftir. - 1 Annað/Óvíst. - 2 Landupplýsingakerfi sveitarfélaga. - 3 Þinglýst skjöl/Skjöl frá sveitarfélagi. ATHUGASEMD – Athugasemdir um innsetningu fitju eða heimildir hennar, gerðar af starfsfólki HMS. STADA_EIGN – Staða eignar í skrám HMS. - 1 Landeign er staðfest í landeignaskrá. - 2 Landeign er skráð í landeignaskrá en hefur verið tekin til vinnslu. - 3 Landeign er í frumvinnslu. HNIT – Afmörkun marghyrnings (POLYGON) á forminu „SDO_GEOMETRY“.

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    Sand and gravel include information related to aggregate deposits.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 18 of the Atlas, Jurassic and Lowermost Cretaceous Strata of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Figure 25, Kootenay/Nikanassin/Minnes/Deville/ Success Isopach and Lithofacies. Shapefiles were produced from archived digital files created by the Alberta Geological Survey in the mid-1990s, and edited in 2005-06 to correct, attribute and consolidate the data into single files by feature type and by figure.

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    The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 17 of the Atlas, Paleographic Evolution of the Western Canada Foreland Basin, Figure 14, Horseshoe Canyon/Scollard/Paskapoo/Ravenscrag Paleogeography. Shapefiles were produced from archived digital files created by the Alberta Geological Survey in the mid-1990s, and edited in 2005-06 to correct, attribute and consolidate the data into single files by feature type and by figure.

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    The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), or satellite positioning system, includes all satellite navigation systems. It allows you to know your location, anywhere in the country. Theoretical GNSS specifications estimate the accuracy of the position obtained from a receiver to be approximately 15 meters in planimetry and 25 meters in altimetry. By combining the data with that of another receiver placed on a known geodesic point, the accuracy of the obtained position can vary from a few centimeters to a few meters, depending on the type of receiver used. In order to increase accuracy, the Government of Quebec records data continuously through a network of 18 GNSS stations. These stations are located on geodetic points that are free of any obstacles and capture data from the GPS and GLONASS constellations. Some of these stations receive signals from the Galileo constellation. This data is available in the standard exchange format*Receiver Independent Exchange Format* (RINEX), version 2.11. This format is recognized by the majority of GNSS data processing software. The data is accessible on the __ [ftp server] (ftp://ftp.mrn.gouv.qc.ca/Public/GPS)__) of the MRNF or using the __ [Interactive Map] (https://geodesie.portailcartographique.gouv.qc.ca/)__) of the geodetic network. It should be noted that only data from the last 366 days is kept. The structure of the directories and files on the __ [ftp server] (ftp://ftp.mrn.gouv.qc.ca/Public/GPS)__) as well as the coordinates of the stations are presented in the document __ [GNSS sensor stations] (https://diffusion.mern.gouv.qc.ca/diffusion/RGQ/Documentation/Geodesie/Stations_GNSS.pdf)__. # #État of GNSS stations## You can consult the status of the stations in the document __ [Status of GNSS stations] (https://diffusion.mern.gouv.qc.ca/diffusion/RGQ/Documentation/Geodesie/État_Stations_GNSS.pdf)__. You will be notified if a station is in service, out of service, or if equipment maintenance is planned. # #GNSS in real time by cellular telephony The government also offers GNSS data by cellular telephony that allows centimeter positioning work to be carried out in real time. Users of georeferenced data can thus, with a single multi-frequency GNSS receiver equipped with a modem by cellular telephone, identify or implement any physical detail with an accuracy of a few centimeters in the NAD 83 reference system (SCRS) (period 1997.0). The signal that contains this data is available to everyone. The range depends on telephone coverage, ionospheric conditions and especially on the instruments used. For more information on using GNSS in real time, see document __ [Guidelines for GNSS RTK/RTN Surveys in Canada] (http://publications.gc.ca/site/fra/9.822883/publication.html)__. # #Détails techniques The transmission of GNSS data as well as the station's NAD 83 (SCRS) coordinates (era 1997.0) is transmitted by cellular telephony from an IP address on the Internet. Each station transmits its data in one of the following two formats: CMR+ or RTCM V3.2. The document __ [GNSS capture stations] (https://diffusion.mern.gouv.qc.ca/diffusion/RGQ/Documentation/Geodesie/Stations_GNSS.pdf)__) gives for each city the IP address of the CMR+ or RTCM V3.2 formats as well as the antenna model. It should be noted that the data is not broadcast according to the*Networked Transport of RTCM protocol via Internet Protocol* (NTRIP).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 8 of the Atlas, Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician Strata of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Figure 19, Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Isopach. Shapefiles were produced from archived digital files created by the Alberta Geological Survey in the mid-1990s, and edited in 2005-06 to correct, attribute and consolidate the data into single files by feature type and by figure.

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    Gögnin veita upplýsingar um stærð, staðsetningu og tegundir náttúruverndarsvæða á Íslandí samræmi við lög nr.60/2013 um náttúruvernd. The data provides information about location, size and types of nature conservation areas in Iceland according to the nature conservation act nr. 60/2013.

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  • The names of these rivers in the Bay of Fundy and Port Hawkesbury Area Response Plan (ARP) regions were obtained from Recovery Potential Assessments (see references), and cross referenced with the Atlas of Canada hosted online by Natural Resources Canada. These rivers were then identified and marked in ArcGIS using the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Hydrographic Networks. Point features were used to represent the river mouths. For rivers large enough to be represented by polygon features, the point was placed where the polygon closed the inlet. For smaller rivers represented by a polyline, the point was placed where the line intersected the coastline. When multiple tributaries of a river were identified as salmon rivers, only the most seaward was marked. Cite this data as: Corrigan, S. Data of: Salmon Rivers Presence, Maritimes Region. Published: June 2019. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B. https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/ded53eaa-bb98-4476-beea-3138372c740b

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