Groundfish Hard Bottom Longline Surveys
Catch, effort, location (latitude, longitude), and associated biological data from groundfish multi-species longline surveys in British Columbia.
This is a set of long-term and coordinated surveys that together cover most of the nearshore, hard-bottom habitat of coastal British Columbia. The objective of these surveys is to provide fishery-independent abundance indices and associated biological data for the assessment of nearshore rockfishes and other groundfish species that live on untrawlable, hard bottom habitats. The surveys use standardized “snap and swivel” longline hook gear set on the ocean floor. The surveys follow a random depth-stratified design and the sampling units are 2 km by 2 km blocks.
The Inside Hard Bottom Longline (HBLL) Surveys are conducted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and take place on the Canadian Coast Guard Research Vessel Neocaligus. The Inside surveys cover the inlets and protected waters east of Vancouver Island (Pacific Fishery Management areas 12 – 20 and 27- 29). The survey area is divided into a northern and southern region, which are surveyed in alternating years. The Inside North region includes Johnstone Strait and Broughton Archipelago. The Inside South region includes Desolation Sound, the Strait of Georgia and southern Gulf Islands. The Inside HBLL surveys use size 13/0 circle hooks, baited with frozen squid.
The Outside HBLL Surveys are conducted by DFO in collaboration with the Pacific Halibut Management Association (PHMA) and take place on several chartered commercial fishing vessels each year. The Outside surveys cover most of the British Columbia coastline, excluding the inlets and protected waters east of Vancouver Island (i.e. excluding Pacific Fishery Management areas 12 – 20 and 27- 29). The survey area is divided into a northern and southern region, which are surveyed in alternating years. The Outside North region includes the mainland coast north of Milbanke Sound, Dixon Entrance, and the east and west coasts of Haida Gwaii. The Outside South region includes the mainland coast south of Milbanke Sound, Queen Charlotte Sound, and the north and west coasts of Vancouver Island. The PHMA provides the chartered commercial fishing vessels and field technicians, while DFO provides support for running the surveys, including survey design and equipment. The Outside HBLL surveys use size 14/0 circle hooks, baited with frozen squid.
- Date ( RI_367 )
- 2020-04-30
- Date ( RI_366 )
- 2020-03-24
- Status
- onGoing; enContinue RI_596
- Maintenance and update frequency
- asNeeded; auBesoin RI_540
- Keywords ( RI_528 )
- Groundfish
- Commercial Species
- Longline Survey
- Fishery Independent Data
- Canadian Groundfish Research and Conservation Society
- Collaborative Agreement
- Stock Assessment
- Hard Bottom Habitats
- Relative Abundance
- Relative Biomass
- Keywords ( RI_525 )
- Pacific Ocean
- North Pacific
- British Columbia
- Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ( RI_528 )
- Resources management
- Oceans
- Marine biology
- Fish
- Fisheries
- Classification
- unclassified; nonClassifié RI_484
- Use limitation
- Open Government Licence - Canada (
- Access constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Use constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Spatial representation type
- textTable; texteTable RI_637
- Metadata language
- eng; CAN
- Character set
- utf8; utf8 RI_458
- Topic category
- Biota
- Oceans
- Begin date
- 2003
- End date
- 2021
- Reference system identifier
- / EPSG:4326 / 1
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
Data Dictionary
Supporting Document;HTML;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Reference Information
Supporting Document;HTML;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Inside North Hard Bottom Longline Surveys
Supporting Document;HTML;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Inside South Hard Bottom Longline Surveys
Supporting Document;HTML;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Outside North Hard Bottom Longline Surveys
Supporting Document;HTML;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Outside South Hard Bottom Longline Surveys
Supporting Document;HTML;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Survey Summaries
Supporting Document;HTML;eng,fra
- File identifier
- 945e0f13-119b-451b-9038-50c6eb641aef XML
- Metadata language
- eng; CAN
- Character set
- utf8; utf8 RI_458
- Hierarchy level
- series; série RI_623
- Date stamp
- 2025-02-06T00:51:20.643Z
- Metadata standard name
- North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata
- Metadata standard version
- CAN/CGSB-171.100-2009

Spatial extent
Provided by