Canada Median Age 2006
A map that displays median ages across Canada at three levels of geography according to the 2006 Census.This thematic map presents the population density in Canada based on 2006 census data at three levels of geography: provinces (1:25,000,001 and over), census division (CD) (1:5,000,001 and 1:25,000,000), and census sub-division (CSD) (1:5,000,000 and under).
Note: Areas at the CSD level with no associated data will display with a value of 0.
Identification info
- Date ( Revision )
- 2021-02-22T05:56:55Z
- Date ( Publication )
- 2017-06-12T08:15:52Z
- Keywords ( Theme )
- Canada
- Esri Canada
- Education
- StatsCan
- Census
- Demographics
- Median
- Age
- Spatineo Rating ( Theme )
- Availability for the week: 1
- Availability for year 2021: 0.679
- Service Type
- OGC:ESRI_MapServer
- Service Version
- 10.7
- Use limitation
- Statistics Canada
Contains Operations
- Operation Name
- ASDD nodes zserver
- Connect Point
ASDD Z3950 zserver
ASDD Z3950 zserver
- OnLine resource
- OnLine resource
Service in Spatineo Directory
Service in Spatineo Directory
- File identifier
- 9fd629d4-5389-467c-85a5-c5bd6482daa1 XML
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Service
- Date stamp
- 2021-02-28T18:09:31Z
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115:2003/19139
- Metadata standard version
- 1.0