Census of Agriculture: Data Linked to Geographic Boundaries
These files from Statistics Canada present Census of Agriculture data allocated by standard census geographic polygons: Provinces and Territories (PR), Census Agricultural Regions (CAR), Census Divisions (CD) and Census Consolidated Subdivisions (CCS).
Five datasets are provided:
1. Agricultural operation characteristics: includes information on farm type, operating arrangements, paid agricultural work and financial characteristics of the agricultural operation.
2. Land tenure and management practices: includes information on land use, land tenure, agricultural practices, land inputs, technologies used on the operation and the renewable energy production on the operation.
3. Crops: includes information on hay and field crops, vegetables (excluding greenhouse vegetables), fruits, berries, nuts, greenhouse productions and other crops.
4. Livestock, poultry and bees: includes information on livestock, poultry and bees.
5. Characteristics of farm operators: includes information on age, sex and the hours of works of farm operators.
Note: For all the datasets, confidential values have been assigned a value of -1.
Correction notice: On January 18, 2023, selected estimates have been corrected for selected variables in the following 2021 Census of Agriculture domains: Direct sales of agricultural products to consumers (Agricultural operations category), Succession plan for the agricultural operation (Agricultural operators category), and Renewable energy production (Use, tenure and practices category).
- Date ( RI_367 )
- 2018-02
- Date ( RI_366 )
- 2016
- Hours of service
- Monday to Friday (except holidays) from 8:30 to 4:30 pm
- Status
- completed; complété RI_593
- Maintenance and update frequency
- asNeeded; auBesoin RI_540
- Keywords ( RI_528 )
- Agriculture
- Sales
- Operating arrangement
- Farm capital
- Gross
- Value
- Agriculture
- Hours of works
- Farms
- Operators
- Livestock
- Poultry
- Bees
- Land use
- Managemet practices
- Renewable energy
- Agricultural technology
- Hay and field crops
- Forage crops
- Fruit crops
- Vegetable crops
- Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ( RI_528 )
- Agriculture
- Income
- Capital
- Use limitation
- Open Government Licence - Canada (http://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada)
- Access constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Use constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Spatial representation type
- vector; vecteur RI_635
- Metadata language
- fra
- Metadata language
- eng
- Character set
- utf8; utf8 RI_458
- Topic category
- Farming
- Imagery base maps earth cover
- Begin date
- 2016
- End date
- 2021
- Reference system identifier
- http://www.epsg-registry.org / EPSG:3978 /
- Distribution format
- Hours of service
- Monday to Friday (except holidays) from 8:30 to 4:30 pm
- OnLine resource
2016 - Census of Agriculture data allocated to standard dissemination census geographic polygons - English
ESRI REST: Map Server
Web Service;ESRI REST;eng
- OnLine resource
2016 - Census of Agriculture data allocated to standard dissemination census geographic polygons - French
ESRI REST: Map Server
Web Service;ESRI REST;fra
- OnLine resource
2016 Census of Agriculture
- OnLine resource
2021 Census of Agriculture
- OnLine resource
Census of Agriculture portal
Application;Web App;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Agriculture and food statistics portal
Application;Web App;eng,fra
- File identifier
- b944bd53-49e5-4a80-83e5-1048d3abf38d XML
- Metadata language
- fra; CAN
- Character set
- utf8; utf8 RI_458
- Hierarchy level
- dataset; jeuDonnées RI_622
- Date stamp
- 2023-01-19T12:54:09
- Metadata standard name
- North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata
- Metadata standard version
- CAN/CGSB-171.100-2009
- Hours of service
- Monday to Friday (except holidays) from 8:30 to 4:30 pm

Spatial extent
Provided by