Blue whale sightings in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Sightings data were collected by the Mingan Island Cetacean Study (MICS) from 1980 to 2008 with annual surveys realised in the Gulf of St. Lawrence between the end of may and early november. Surveys were conducted using inflatable boats enabling the close approaches necessary to photograph and biopsy blue whales.
The aim of this project was to provide additional information for designating blue whale critical habitat as required under the Canadian Species at Risk Act.
For more details consult the following report:
Ramp, C. and Sears, R. 2013. Distribution, densities, and annual occurrence of individual blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada from 1980-2008. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2012/157. vii + 37 p.
Data of blue whale sightings, collected by the MICS, have been analysed per km of effort in 3 x 3 km grid cells in the Gulf of St. Lawrence for the 2000-2008 period.
- Date ( RI_366 )
- 2013
- Date ( RI_367 )
- 2013
- Status
- completed; complété RI_593
- Maintenance and update frequency
- notPlanned; nonPlanifié RI_542
- Keywords ( RI_530 )
- Distribution
- Sighting
- Occurence
- Blue whale
- Balaenoptera musculus
- Marine mammals
- Specie at Risk
- Keywords ( RI_525 )
- St. Lawrence Estuary
- Gulf of St. Lawrence
- Îles de Mingan
- Gaspésie
- Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ( RI_528 )
- Aquatic wildlife
- Earth sciences
- Marine biology
- Use limitation
- Open Government Licence - Canada (
- Access constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Use constraints
- license; licence RI_606
- Spatial representation type
- vector; vecteur RI_635
- Metadata language
- fra; CAN
- Character set
- utf8; utf8 RI_458
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment
- Oceans
- Begin date
- 2000
- End date
- 2008
- Reference system identifier
- / EPSG:32198 / 7.4.1
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
Data Dictionary
Supporting Document;CSV;eng,fra
- OnLine resource
Blue whales relative sightings
- OnLine resource
Blue whales relative sightings
ESRI REST: Map Service
Web Service;ESRI REST;eng
- OnLine resource
Blue whales relative sightings
ESRI REST: Map Service
Web Service;ESRI REST;fra
- File identifier
- d29def12-36f2-4518-8758-896d9fb1f40d XML
- Metadata language
- fra; CAN
- Character set
- utf8; utf8 RI_458
- Parent identifier
- Significant parameters for different species with status under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) 4c7880ac-cb01-4e12-8305-2ae8eb675390
- Hierarchy level
- dataset; jeuDonnées RI_622
- Date stamp
- 2023-02-13T15:14:31
- Metadata standard name
- North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata
- Metadata standard version
- CAN/CGSB-171.100-2009