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*** WARNING/ATTENTION: This service will close soon. Please consult <What's New> section at ATTENTION: Ce service WMS sera fermé prochainement. Consultez la section <Quoi de neuf> sur*** Le Service de cartes Web (SCW) de l'Atlas du Canada est un service Internet qui donne, aux développeurs d'outils cartographiques en ligne, un accès aux jeux de données-cadre de l'Atlas du Canada. Grâce à ce service, les développeurs peuvent accéder à nos données de base les plus récentes et les plus exactes pour créer des cartes personnalisées. Notre technologie SCW compatible à l'OGC est fournie gratuitement et ne requière aucun contrat, licence d'utilisation ou tout autre système logiciel spécial : seulement un navigateur Web tel qu'Internet Explorer ou Firefox. Ce SCW fournit l'accès à cinq jeux de données-cadre distincts (le monde, la région circumpolaire-Nord, l'Amérique du Nord, le Canada à l'échelle de 1/7 500 000 et le Canada à l'échelle de 1/1 000 000. Chaque jeu de données-cadre disponible constitue un ensemble de couches cartographiques intégrées de base illustrant la localisation d'entités telles que l'hydrologie, le réseau routier et ferroviaire, les lieux habités et les frontières administratives. Un nombre de projections non-standards sont disponibles via ce SCW. Il s'agit des projections : 54003 - cylindrique mondiale de Miller, 54004 - mondiale de Mercator, 54008 - sinusoïdale mondiale, 54009 - mondiale de Mollweide, 54030 - mondiale de Robinson, 102016 - équidistante azimutale polaire, 102017 - azimutale équivalente de Lambert polaire, 102018 - polaire stéréographique, 102008 - projection nord-américaine d'Albers et 102009 - conique conforme de Lambert nord-américaine.
The Roads database includes an inventory of road assets (roadways, blocks, intersections, sidewalks, curbs) with a spatial representation and various attached information. Aggregate pavement assets represent carriageways located in the public domain and that are part of the local or arterial road network. Aggregate pavements are represented by polygons that are aggregated by type of use. Among the information associated with a pavement object is the construction date, resurfacing date, survey date, survey date, pavement materials, foundation type, bicycle lane presence, use, etc. Intersecting road assets represent intersections of roadways located in the public domain and that are part of the local or arterial road network. Intersections are represented by polygons that are cut according to the number of traffic axes. Among the information associated with an intersecting object is the date of construction, the date of resurfacing, the date of survey, the date of survey, the materials of the intersection, the type of foundation, the presence of a bicycle path, etc. The data is also available in separate sets on the portal to support several uses: - [Street asset (complete database)] (/city-of-montreal/active roadway) - [Sidewalk and island] lot] (/city-of-montreal/roadway-sidewalk-island) - [Off-street zone] (/city-of-montreal/voirie-zone) __Warnings__ - The data released on road assets are those in the possession of the City's geomatics team and are not necessarily up to date throughout the country. - The data released on road assets is provided for information purposes only and should not be used for the purposes of designing or carrying out works or for the location of assets.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
The Roads database includes an inventory of road assets (roadways, blocks, intersections, sidewalks, curbs) with a spatial representation and various attached information. __Aggregate pavement-type road assets__ represent carriageways located in the public domain and that are part of the local or arterial road network. Aggregate pavements are represented by polygons that are aggregated by type of use. Among the information associated with a roadway-type object is the date of construction, the date of resurfacing, the date of survey, the date of survey, the materials of the pavement, the type of foundation, the presence of bicycle lane, use, etc. __island-type road assets__ represent malls located in the public domain and which are juxtaposed to the local or arterial road network. The islands are represented by polygons that are differentiated by their configuration. Among the information associated with an island-type object is the date of construction, the date of survey, the materials of the block and the border, the presence of trees, the type of block, etc. __intersection-type road assets__ represent the intersections of motorways located in the public domain and which are part of the local or arterial road network. Intersections are represented by polygons that are cut according to the number of traffic axes. Information associated with an intersecting object includes the construction date, resurfacing date, survey date, survey date, intersection materials, foundation type, bike lane presence, etc. __sidewalk-type road assets__ represent sidewalks and curbs juxtaposed with roadways in the public domain that are part of the local or arterial road network. Sidewalks and curbs are represented by polygons differentiated by category and type. Among the information associated with a sidewalk-type object is the construction date, the survey date, the type of sidewalk and curb, the materials of the sidewalk, the border and the developed strip, the presence of trees, the presence of a projection, the presence of a bicycle lane, the use, etc. __zone-type road assets__ represent the regions located between other road assets and which do not not part of the local or arterial road network. The areas are represented by polygons. Among the information associated with a zone-type object is the type of zone, etc. The data is also available in separate sets on the portal to support several uses: - [Roadway and intersection] (/city-of-montreal/voirie-causee-intersection) - [Sidewalk and islet] (/city-of-montreal/voirie-trottoir-ilot) - [Off-street zone] (/city-of-montreal/roadway-intersection) - [Sidewalk and block] (/city-of-montreal/voirie-zone) __Warnings__ - The data released on road assets are those in the possession of the City's geomatics team and are not necessarily up to date throughout the country. - The data disseminated on road assets are provided for information purposes only and should not be used for the purposes of designing or carrying out works or for the location of assets.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**