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Íslenskur texti er í vinnslu. This raster dataset is a visibility analysis of several wind turbine projects across Iceland which are a part of the fifth phase of the master plan (Rammaáætlun The area analysed is a 45 km buffer zone around each wind turbine project. The cutout areas in the 45 km buffer have no visibility due to visual obstruction. The red colour represents high visibility, fading into yellow, with the green colour representing low visibility of the wind turbines. Zones of theoretical visibility have been classified as near (0-2km), intermediate (2-15km) and remote zone (>15km) which are represented in the colour grading. It should be considered that atmospheric conditions, lighting, shading and more affect visibility and detectability. The perception of the wind projects in the green zone will be more fading in the landscape without direct detection, while in the red coloured zone the wind turbine is a prominent element in the landscape. For further information consider reading the respective chapter in the project report or check out further tools like the Ramma 3D map. As a digital elevation model the 10x10 m resolution ÍslandsDEM is used which sets the dataset pixel resolution to 10x10 m. An average viewer height of 1.75 m is assumed, while the wind turbine heights vary between 150 m and 200 m depending on project sites. The maximal height of the wind turbine is considered, meaning to the upper blade tip. See more information in the table on the side. The curvature of the earth is considered in the simulation and a default atmospheric refraction of 0.13 is assumed.
Uppruni gagna vefkorts LMÍ er úr nokkrum áttum. Landhæðalíkan LMÍ er notað bæði til þess að lita undirlagið, en hæðarskyggingin er einnig unnin úr því. CORINE er notað til að gefa hugmyndir um yfirborð lands. Vatnafars gögn úr Euro Global Map eru notuð í smærri skölum, en eftir því sem þysjað er inn taka önnur gögn við. Stærstur hluti gagnanna kemur þó úr IS 50V, en þar ber að nefna samgöngur, mannvirki, vatnafar og hæðarlínur. IS 50V gagnasettin birtast mestmegnis í stærri skölum að frá töldu samgöngu línunum sem eru með frá skalanum 1:3.000.000. Dýpislínur frá Landhelgisgæslu Íslands eru birtar í öllum þysjunarstigum. Til að tengja þjónustuna við QGIS þarf að fara eftir leiðbeiningum sem eru á smámyndunum sem fylgja þessari skráningu.
A compliant implementation of WMS plus most of the SLD extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS1
A compliant implementation of WMS plus most of the SLD extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS
Discover, learn, investigate and download environmental research and reference data for the Great Barrier Reef, its catchments, the Wet Tropics and the Torres Strait regions. The e-Atlas is a repository for research data from the National Environmental Research Program Tropical Ecosystem (NERP TE) hub and the Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program (RRMMP). It also contains extensive reference data for Australia.
Corine Land Cover Año 2018. Propiedad del Gobierno de Canarias.
OSPAR Web Feature Service
ArcIMS 9.3.0 reg_miljoovervakning_m_lan Web Map Service
This product consists of scanned aerial photography photomaps taken between 1978 and 1982 by the Central Survey and Mapping Agency.
ArcIMS 9.3.0 halsorel_miljoovervakning Web Map Service