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    Yukon Geological Survey re-analyzed stream sediment sample pulps from GSC's archives in Ottawa. As a next step to improving the dataset, two of the areas covered by the recently-released Open Files were selected for further data processing to add value to the raw data. Catchment areas were delineated for each sample, and data were modeled to isolate the geochemical signatures that are characteristic of the known mineral deposit types in the area. This report and the accompanying series of maps present the results of this ?value-added? analysis of raw stream sediment geochemical data. The project was funded by the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) through their Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development program.

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    This GIS dataset is a Yukon-wide compilation of surficial geology polygons derived from 75 published and unpublished 1:50,000 surficial geology maps produced by the GSC, Yukon Geological Survey and various universities. All polygon map unit labels have been converted to standardized map unit labels, based on the British Columbia terrain classification system. Standardized attributes include: surficial material, texture, age, surface expression and geomorphological processes.

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    First Vertical Derivative of the Magnetic Field, Aeromagnetic Survey of the Frances Lake Area, Yukon, NTS 105-A/15 and parts of 105-A/14, 16, H/2, 3, 4

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    This map of the first vertical derivative of the magnetic field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by EON Geosciences Inc. in the period between April 10, 2009 and September 16, 2009. The data were recorded using split-beam cesium vapour magnetometers (sensitivity = 0.005 nT) mounted in each of the tail booms of a Piper Navajo and a Cessna 206 aircraft. The nominal traverse and control line spacings were, respectively, 800 m and 2 400 m, and the aircraft flew at a nominal terrain clearance of 250 m. Traverse lines were oriented N90?E with orthogonal control lines. The flight path was recovered following post-flight differential corrections to the raw Global Positioning System data and inspection of ground images recorded by a vertically-mounted video camera. The survey was flown on a pre-determined flight surface to minimize differences in magnetic values at the intersections of control and traverse lines. These differences were computer-analysed to obtain a mutually levelled set of flight-line magnetic data. The levelled values were then interpolated to a 200 m grid. The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) was not removed from the total magnetic field.

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    Electromagnetic Survey of the Livingstone Creek area, Yukon, Parts of NTS 105-E/1 and 8

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    This high sensitivity aeromagnetic survey was carried out by Goldak Airborne Surveys (Goldak) on behalf of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) between January 25th and March 26th, 2011. Aircraft equipment operated included three cesium vapour magnetometers, a GPS real-time and post-corrected differential positioning system, a flight path recovery camera, VHS titling and recording system, as well as radar and barometric altimeters. All data were recorded digitally in GEDAS binary file format. Reference ground equipment included two GEM Systems GSM-19W Overhauser magnetometers and a Novatel 12 channel GPS base station which was set up at the base of operations for differential post-flight corrections. Eighty two flights (including test and calibration sorties) were required to complete the survey block. A total of 37,999 line kilometres of high resolution magnetic data were collected, processed and plotted. The traverse lines were flown at a spacing of 400 metres with control lines flown at a separation of 2400 metres. Nominal terrain clearance was specified at 100 metres above ground.

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    Geological map of the Rackla belt, east-central Yukon (NTS 106C/1-4, 106D/1)

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    First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, Flat River Aeromagnetic Survey, NTS 95 E (south half), Yukon

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    Total magnetic field, Flat River Aeromagnetic Survey, NTS 95 E (south half), Yukon

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    This map of the first vertical derivative of the magnetic field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by EON Geosciences Inc. in the period between April 10, 2009 and September 16, 2009. The data were recorded using split-beam cesium vapour magnetometers (sensitivity = 0.005 nT) mounted in each of the tail booms of a Piper Navajo and a Cessna 206 aircraft. The nominal traverse and control line spacings were, respectively, 800 m and 2 400 m, and the aircraft flew at a nominal terrain clearance of 250 m. Traverse lines were oriented N90?E with orthogonal control lines. The flight path was recovered following post-flight differential corrections to the raw Global Positioning System data and inspection of ground images recorded by a vertically-mounted video camera. The survey was flown on a pre-determined flight surface to minimize differences in magnetic values at the intersections of control and traverse lines. These differences were computer-analysed to obtain a mutually levelled set of flight-line magnetic data. The levelled values were then interpolated to a 200 m grid. The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) was not removed from the total magnetic field.