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    Geolocator view to be used with Manitoba items. Geolocator view to be used with Manitoba items. 

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    This table contains data on whole and partial condemnation and slaughtering from 2015 to 2022. This table contains data on whole and partial condemnation and slaughtering from 2015 to 2022. The data is also classified by its Slaughter Class: Cattle, Swine, Chiken,  Spent layer hens, Ducks, Geese, Rabbits, Spent Breeder hens, 5 kg and under, Bison, Elk, Goats, Horses, Lambs, Llama/Alpaca, Mature turkey, over 11 kg, over 5 but no more than 7 kg, over 7 but no more than 9 kg, over 9 but no more than 11 kg, Sheep, and Wild boars.Field Names (Field Alias): Field description.SlaughterFigureID (SlaughterFigureID): unique indexed number assigned to each record in the database. BodyPart (BodyPart): code for the different body parts affected in partial condemnations. CondemnationReasonCode (CondemnationReasonCode): code for all the different reasons for condemnation. CondemnationType (CondemnationType): This identifies whether the condemnations are either Whole or Partial. SlaughterYear (SlaughterYear): Year when the slaughter occurred. NumberSlaughtered (NumberSlaughtered): Total number of animals slaughtered during the indicated period of time. NumberCondemned (NumberCondemned): Total number of animals condemned (whole) or total  number of parts of animals condemned (partial) during the indicated period of time. SlaughterClass (SlaughterClass): Species or class of the animal or part of the animal condemned. Quarter (Quarter): Number of the quarter.                   - January to March – 1                     - April to June – 2                     - July to September – 3                     - October to December - 4 QuarterYear (Quarter/Year): Corresponding quarter and year.

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    This table contains data on food processing facilities in the province. This table, created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch-Manitoba Agriculture, contains data on food processing facilities in the province. Fields included ( Alias (Field Name): Field description.) Site Address (Site_Address): Address of the facility. Facility Number (Facility_Number): Number assigned to the facility. Facility Name (Facility_Name): Registered name of the facility. Facility Type (Facility Type): Facilities’ permits issued are specific to the type of product manufactured.  Facility Category: The different permit categories include: Processed Products – Facilities with permits in this category include food operations that produce processed food products (ex: condiments, candy, snack food, other prepared food). Food Warehousing, Distribution and Repackaging – Facilities with permits in this category include operations that store and distribute food products and may conduct basic repackaging ex: bulk dry goods into smaller retail packages. Meat Processing – Facilities with permits in this category include operations that make various meat products ranging from raw meat cuts to products such as sausage and jerky. Also in this category are facilities that make products like smoked fish. Their permits only allow the products to be sold within Manitoba. Bottling – Facilities with permits in this category include water bottling plants, soft drink manufacturers, breweries, wineries, distilleries, juice manufacturers, ice making plants and other similar plants. Grain/Oil Seed Processing – Facilities with permits in this category include grain and seed cleaning and packaging facilities, flourmills, oil processors, etc. Abattoirs – Facilities with permits in this category are abattoirs that slaughter animals under the oversight of a government inspector to produce meat for sale within the province. Dairy Products Processing – Facilities with permits in this category process dairy products (ex: raw milk cheese). Program Area (Program_Area): Program area. Work Area (Work_Area): Work area. Community (Community): Community where the facility is located Area (Area): Area of the city where the facility is located.  Zone (Zone): Zone of the city where the facility is located. Region (Region): Name of the region where the facility is located. Legal Name (Legal_Name): Legal name of the facility. Lot (Lot): Lot where the facility is located. Block (Block): Block where the facility is located. Plot (Plot): Plot where the facility is located. Quadrant (Quadrant): Quadrant where the facility is located. Section (Section): Section where the facility is located. Township (Township): Township where the facility is located. Meridian (Meridian): Meridian where the facility is located. Site Unit Number (Site_Unit_Number): number of the unit where the facility is located. Site Street Number (Site_Street_Number): Street number where the facility is located. Site City (Site_City): City where the facility is located. Site Province (Site_Province): Province where the facility is located. Site Country (Site_Country): Country where the facility is located. Site Postal Code (Site_Postal_Code) : Postal code of the facility. Latitude (Latitude): north-south coordinates of the facility. Longitude (Longitude): east-west coordinates of the facility. Species Harvested (Species_Harvested): species being processed in each abattoir.

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    This is the 5 year investment plan for Manitoba Highway and Infrastructure Capital Projects. This dataset will show all the proposed infrastructure projects for the next 5 years. This Feature layer is similar to the "Manitoba Capital Plans Project Status" and will be updated once a year.This dataset contains points showing the locations of the capital projects such as asphalt surface treatment, grading, bituminous rehabilitation, concrete reconstruction, culvert jacking, intersection improvement, structures improvement, traffic signal improvements, and traffic safety improvements. This dataset was created by digitizing high-resolution imagery of Manitoba road network, bridge sites, and culvert locations. The details of the capital projects are available as attributes of the dataset.Fields included (Alias (Field Name): Field description.)Hwy (Hwy): The highway number where the project is located.  Location Description (Location_Description): A detailed description of the project location. Project Distance in km (km): The physical length of the project Project Type (Project_Type): A particular category assigned to the project based on the nature of work. Investment Category : (Investment_Category): Category of future investment for the project. (Ex: Renewal, Economic Development, Connectivity and Innovation, Climate Resiliency)  Municipality Name (MUNI_NAME): The name of the municipality where the project is located. Department Program (Department_Program): The name of the MI department responsible for the project.This dataset is used in Manitoba Infrastructure Projects an interactive map that shows Manitoba infrastructure's new, approved, and continuing capital project locations.

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    Canadas Managed Forests 2017 Albers Equal Area Canada's Managed Forests 2017 Albers Equal Area

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    Polygon feature layer of Manitoba's economic regions This feature layer depicts the boundaries of economic regions in Manitoba. There are eight regions in Manitoba, defined by Statistics Canada. Fields included [Alias (Field Name): Field description] Economic Region (Economic_Region): The name of the economic region For more information, see Regional Economic Profiles on the Manitoba  government  website.FF

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    This feature class represents Manitoba's Forest Management Unit (FMU) boundaries. Forest Management Units (FMU's) define a forested area with common forest conditions that are managed in a similar manner. Forest Sections are comprised of FMU's. Forest inventories within Forest Management Units are analysed to determine allowable harvest limits of softwood and hardwood tree species within each Forest Management Unit. Version 3: The southern portion of FMU 67 within the Highrock Forest Section has been adjusted to align with base features captured in 2009. Additionally, an 11 hectare portion of the Saskatchewan River Forest Section (FMU 59) has been added to the Highrock Forest Section. Version 4: The northern portion of FMU 68 along the Rail Haul within the Highrock Forest Section has been adjust so that the boundary falls within water only. Additionally, version 4 splits the 'White Zone' forest section (FMU 76) by ecozones, creating FMU 76 (Taiga Shield), FMU 77 (Southern Arctic), FMU 78 (Hudson Plain) and FMU 79 (Boreal Shield). Version 4 is dated February 8, 2013. Fields Included: OBJECTID: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated . MANAGEMENT_UNIT_NUMBER : Management Unit (MU) number . S ECTION : Forest section number . SECTION_NAME : Forest section name .

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    An interactive web application illustrating the locations of commercial fisheries, commercial fish species production (kg) for the 2016 calendar year. This interactive web application shows the locations of commercial fisheries and commercial fish species production (kg) in Manitoba, by community. It names the communities involved in the industry, shows the number of fishers by community and also shows the location of packing sheds across Manitoba. For each location, pop ups provides additional information, including the round weight (kg) by species for the 2016 calendar year. This application is populated by the web map: Manitoba Commercial Fishing Industry Map.

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    An interactive web application illustrating the locations of landfills and waste transfer stations registered with the WRARS Program as well as First Nations landfills by facility type, owner type and by class. An interactive web application illustrating the locations of landfills and waste transfer stations registered with the Waste Reduction and Recycling Support (WRARS) Program as well as First Nations landfills by facility type, owner type and by class (for landfills only excluding First Nations landfills). Pop-ups for each location registered with the WRARS Program provide additional information, including the name of the facility owner (e.g., the name of the municipality, business, community council or government agency that owns/operates the facility). Pop-ups for the First Nations landfills only provide the facility name. This application is populated by the web map Solid Waste Sites in Manitoba.

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    This table contains information about the number of cases reported, inspections conducted, and non-compliances to The Animal Care Act from 2016 to present. This table contains information about the number of cases reported, inspections conducted, and non-compliances to The Animal Care Act for each year, starting in 2016, to the most recent quarter. These data are populated by the Provincial Animal Welfare Database for the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program and are displayed in the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program – Trends chart. The table will be updated on a quarterly basis. Fields included [Alias (Field Name): Field description] Category (Category): Includes the year, beginning in 2016, to the current year (e.g., 2016, 2017, 2018) # of cases reported (F__of_cases_reported): Includes the total number of cases reported for each year # of inspections conducted (F__of_inspections_conducted): Includes the total number of inspections conducted for each year # of non-compliances found* (F__of _non_compliances_found_): Includes the total number of non-compliances found following an inspection for each year * The number of non-compliances found as a result of an inspection by an Animal Protection Officer (APO) include animals deemed abandoned, issued notice of seizure, custody and distress, Director’s Order issued, surrendered ownership and recommendations for improvements.