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    Prior to January 1, 2008, fishing divisions were administrative units to manage, monitor, assess and regulate recreational fisheries. Each zone was based on angler usage and ecological/geographic patterns. Refer to [Fisheries Management Zone for boundaries after 2008](/dataset/fisheries-management-zone).

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    Ontario's recreational fishing regulations are based on 20 Fisheries Management Zones. This map outlines the "border waters area" in Zone 5. The layer and the resulting map were created by the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario. Instructions for downloading this dataset: * select the link below and scroll down the metadata record page until you find **Transfer Options** in the **Distribution Information** section * select the link beside the **Data for download** label * you must provide your name, organization and email address in order to access the dataset This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic information system

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    This dataset is used is used to determine the significance or status of wetland classes and certain other natural heritage features. It is also used to set targets for Wilderness Class Provincial parks, State of the Forest reporting and to study natural disturbance regimes.

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    This dataset is used to: * assess biodiversity levels * define seed zones * map ecosystem types * set targets for the identification of natural heritage systems

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    On July 6, a train of 72 cars, carrying 100 tons of crude oil each, exploded in Lac-Mégantic. A high-resolution aerial photograph was collected by Aéro-Photo after the train derailment. This aerial photograph was provided and georeferenced by Aéro-Photo (1961) inc. Purpose: This aerial photograph makes it possible to identify the impact radius of the accident. The image web service (WMS) is offered as an open service. However, to obtain the raw image, please contact Aéro-Photo (1961) inc.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Gross merchantable volume - hardwood (GMVHWD) is an expression of merchantable stem hardwood volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Available here as a raster (GeoTIF) with a 20 m pixel resolution. Download: Here The Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, Forest Service Branch, has developed a forest resource inventory (FRI) which meets a variety of strategic and operational planning information needs for the boreal plains. Such needs include information on the general land cover, terrain, and growing stock (height, diameter, basal area, timber volume and stem density) within the provincial forest and adjacent forest fringe. This inventory provides spatially explicit information as 10 m or 20 m raster grids and as vectors polygons for relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median area.  Gross merchantable volume per hectare - hardwood (GMVHWD) is an expression of merchantable hardwood stem volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Calculations are made assuming a cut-to-length scenario, and including all stem wood from a 30 cm stump height to an 8 cm top diameter (inside bark), with a minimum bole length of 5.1 m and a minimum log length of 2.7 m for hardwood. GMVHWD is available here as a color-mapped 16-bit unsigned integer raster grid in GeoTIFF format with a 20 m pixel resolution. An ArcGIS Pro layer file (*.lyrx) is supplied for viewing GMVHWD data in the following 50 m3/ha categories. Domain: [NULL, 0…1000]. RANGE LABEL RED GREEN BLUE 0 <= GMVHWD < 25 0 NA NA NA 25 <= GMVHWD < 75 50 63 81 181 75 <= GMVHWD < 125 100 66 101 160 125 <= GMVHWD < 175 150 68 121 138 175 <= GMVHWD < 225 200 71 140 117 225 <= GMVHWD < 275 250 74 160 96 275 <= GMVHWD < 325 300 85 178 79 325 <= GMVHWD < 375 350 123 191 74 375 <= GMVHWD < 425 400 161 203 70 425 <= GMVHWD < 475 450 198 216 66 475 <= GMVHWD < 525 500 236 229 61 525 <= GMVHWD < 575 550 255 226 53 575 <= GMVHWD < 625 600 255 209 40 625 <= GMVHWD < 675 650 255 191 28 675 <= GMVHWD < 725 700 255 174 16 725 <= GMVHWD < 775 750 255 156 3 775 <= GMVHWD < 825 800 253 139 9 825 <= GMVHWD < 875 850 251 121 20 875 <= GMVHWD < 925 900 249 103 31 925 <= GMVHWD < 975 950 246 85 43 975 <= GMVHWD <= 1000 1000 244 67 54 For more information, see the Forest Inventory Standard of the Saskatchewan Environmental Code, Forest Inventory Chapter.

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    Designated gas storage areas are land areas designated by the Ontario Energy Board that contain geological formations used for subsurface storage of natural gas. Instructions for downloading this dataset: * select the link below and scroll down the metadata record page until you find **Transfer Options** in the **Distribution Information** section * select the link beside the **Data for download** label * you must provide your name, organization and email address in order to access the dataset This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic information system

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    The dataset includes both harvest and natural depletions. It also accounts for silvicultural operations related to: * natural regeneration * planting * seeding * site preparation * tending * free-to-grow survey data

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    The Southern Lakes flood hazard mapping study was completed between November 2022 and April 2024. Learn more by visiting the Yukon Flood Atlas. In the Resources section below, you can find the project summary, technical report, “What We Heard” report, GIS data files, and flood maps for specific areas. “AEP” in the flood map filenames below refers to “Annual Exceedance Probability”, the annual likelihood of a flood occurring, expressed as a percentage. The flood scenarios used for mapping in the Yukon are the following: 0.5% event (1-in-200 chance of occurring in any year), 1% event (1-in-100 chance of occurring in any year), and 5% event (1-in-20 chance of occurring in any year). For more information see What is flood mapping? or email See also Carmacks flood hazard maps Teslin flood hazard maps

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    The Teslin flood hazard mapping study was completed between May 2023 and October 2024. Learn more by visiting the Yukon Flood Atlas. In the Resources section below, you can find the project summary, technical report, “What We Heard” report, GIS data files, and flood maps for specific areas. “AEP” in the flood map filenames below refers to “Annual Exceedance Probability”, the annual likelihood of a flood occurring, expressed as a percentage. The flood scenarios used for mapping in the Yukon are the following: 0.5% event (1-in-200 chance of occurring in any year), 1% event (1-in-100 chance of occurring in any year), and 5% event (1-in-20 chance of occurring in any year). For more information see What is flood mapping? or email See also Carmacks flood hazard maps Southern Lakes flood hazard maps