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The Broad Ecosystem Inventory (BEI) Classification provides broad regional information about the distribution of ecosystems throughout the province and the value of these ecosystems to wildlife. This work is done in order to facilitate the use of wildlife information in broad provincial and regional land and resource planning initiatives. Broad Ecosystem Units are mapped based on imagery of the provincial land base generally captured at a scale of 1:250,000. BEI mapping represents forest conditions from approximately 1995 to 2000. The BEI Classification was used to produce wildlife habitat capability and suitability mapping following Provincial Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) Standards (Resource Inventory Committee 1999). Habitat classifications were based on BEI units. BEI units were evaluated and rated to determine the habitat potential (capability) and current habitat conditions (suitability) for selected wild ungulates and furbearers within each seral stage within each Broad Ecosystem Unit (and related site modifier variation) within the framework of Ecosections and Biogeoclimatic Sub-zone/Variants for their ability to supply the species’ necessary life requisites. Regional Wildlife and Habitat biologists, technicians, Forest Ecosystem Specialists, and consulting species experts provided species habitat ratings for each region of the province. Wildlife habitat capability and suitability mapping was completed for the following wild ungulates and furbearers: Northwestern Moose, Alaskan Moose, Shiras' Moose, Bison, Rocky Mountain Elk, Roosevelt Elk, Columbian Black-tailed Deer, Rocky Mountain Mule Deer, Sitka Black-tailed Deer, White-tailed Deer, Dakota White-tailed Deer, Northwestern White-tailed Deer, Boreal Woodland Caribou, Mountain Woodland Caribou, Northern Woodland Caribou, Lynx, Bobcat, and American Badger. Habitat mapping followed Provincial Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) Standards (Resource Inventory Committee 1999).