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The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Land Cover by Ecoprovince” dataset provides land cover information within the ecoprovince framework polygon. It provides landcover codes and their English and French language description as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies.
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surficial Geology by Ecozone” dataset contains tables that provide surficial geology information with the ecozone framework polygons. It provides codes that characterize surficial geology (unconsolidated geologic materials) and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the area and percentage of the polygon that the material occupies.
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surficial Geology by Ecoprovince” dataset contains tables that provide surficial geology information with the ecoprovince framework polygons. It provides codes that characterize surficial geology (unconsolidated geologic materials) and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the area and percentage of the polygon that the material occupies.
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Material by Ecozone” dataset provides surface material information within the ecozone framework polygon. It provides surface material codes and their English and French language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface material includes the abiotic material at the earth's surface. The materials can be: ICE and SNOW - Glacial ice and permanent snow ORGANIC SOIL - Contains more than 30% organic matter as measured by weight ROCK - Rock undifferentiated MINERAL SOIL - Predominantly mineral particles: contains less than 30% organic matter as measured by weight URBAN - Urban areas. Note that only a few major urban area polygons are included on SLC source maps, therefore, do not use for tabulating total urban coverage
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Material by Ecoprovince” dataset provides surface material information within the ecoprovince framework polygon. It provides surface material codes and their English and French language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface material includes the abiotic material at the earth's surface. The materials can be: ICE and SNOW - Glacial ice and permanent snow ORGANIC SOIL - Contains more than 30% organic matter as measured by weight ROCK - Rock undifferentiated MINERAL SOIL - Predominantly mineral particles: contains less than 30% organic matter as measured by weight URBAN - Urban areas. Note that only a few major urban area polygons are included on SLC source maps, therefore, do not use for tabulating total urban coverage
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surficial Geology by Ecodistrict” dataset contains tables that provide surficial geology information with the ecodistrict framework polygons. It provides codes that characterize surficial geology (unconsolidated geologic materials) and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the area and percentage of the polygon that the material occupies.
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Soil Development by Ecodistrict” dataset contains tables that provide soil development information for components within the ecodistrict framework polygon. It provides soil development codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. The soil development descriptions are based on the second edition of the Canadian System of Soil Classification (Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil Survey, 1987).
The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Land and Water Area by Province/Territory and Ecoregion” dataset provides land and water area values by province or territory for the Ecoregion framework polygon, in hectares. It includes codes and their English and French descriptions for a polygon’s province or territory, total area, land-only area and large water body area.
Náttúrulegt birkilendi á Íslandi er kortlagning yfir alla náttúrulega birkiskóga og birkikjarr á Íslandi. Helstu upplýsingar eru hæð, þekja og aldur. Skilið er á milli núverandi hæðar og aldur fullvaxta birkis. Það er gert samkvæmt alþjóðlegum skilgreiningum um hæð trjágróðurs þar sem miðað er við hæð fullvaxta skógar. Birki var fyrst kortlagt á árunum 1972-1975 og var unnin leiðrétting á gögnunum og gerðar frekari greiningar á árunum 1987-1991. Gögnin voru því komin nokkuð til ára sinna þegar ákveðið var að hefja endurkortlagningu á öllu náttúrulegu birki á Íslandi. Fór sú vinna fram á árunum 2010-2014 og er núverandi þekja því afrakstur þeirrar vinnu. Flatarmál náttúrulegs birkis á Íslandi er 150.600 ha. Frá árinu 1987 hefur flatarmál birkis með sjálfsáningu aukist um 9% og nemur 13.000 ha. Gögnin voru upphaflega hugsuð fyrir mælikvarða 1:15.000, hins vegar var talsvert stór hluti landsins kortlagður í mælikvarða 1:5000 – 1:10.000.
Likelihood of Presence of Soft Shelled Clams in the Bay of Fundy and Port Hawkesbury Area Response Plan. The Coastal Oceanography and Ecosystem Research section (DFO Science) reviewed reported Clam harvest and study areas as well utilized local knowledge of the areas to estimate clam flats. A version of this dataset was created for the National Environmental Emergency Center (NEEC) following their data model and is available for download in the Resources section. Cite this data as: Lazin, G., Hamer, A.,Corrigan, S., Bower, B., and Harvey, C. Data of: Likelihood of presence of Soft Shelled Clam in Area Response Planning pilot areas. Published: June 2018. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B.