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*** WARNING/ATTENTION: This service will close soon. Please consult <What's New> section at ATTENTION: Ce service WMS sera fermé prochainement. Consultez la section <Quoi de neuf> sur*** Le Service de cartes Web (SCW) de l'Atlas du Canada est un service Internet qui donne, aux développeurs d'outils cartographiques en ligne, un accès aux jeux de données-cadre de l'Atlas du Canada. Grâce à ce service, les développeurs peuvent accéder à nos données de base les plus récentes et les plus exactes pour créer des cartes personnalisées. Notre technologie SCW compatible à l'OGC est fournie gratuitement et ne requière aucun contrat, licence d'utilisation ou tout autre système logiciel spécial : seulement un navigateur Web tel qu'Internet Explorer ou Firefox. Ce SCW fournit l'accès à cinq jeux de données-cadre distincts (le monde, la région circumpolaire-Nord, l'Amérique du Nord, le Canada à l'échelle de 1/7 500 000 et le Canada à l'échelle de 1/1 000 000. Chaque jeu de données-cadre disponible constitue un ensemble de couches cartographiques intégrées de base illustrant la localisation d'entités telles que l'hydrologie, le réseau routier et ferroviaire, les lieux habités et les frontières administratives. Un nombre de projections non-standards sont disponibles via ce SCW. Il s'agit des projections : 54003 - cylindrique mondiale de Miller, 54004 - mondiale de Mercator, 54008 - sinusoïdale mondiale, 54009 - mondiale de Mollweide, 54030 - mondiale de Robinson, 102016 - équidistante azimutale polaire, 102017 - azimutale équivalente de Lambert polaire, 102018 - polaire stéréographique, 102008 - projection nord-américaine d'Albers et 102009 - conique conforme de Lambert nord-américaine.
__LiDAR__ (__Li__ght __D__etection __A__nd __R__anging) is a modern survey method that produces three-dimensional spatial information in the form of a data point cloud. LiDAR is an active remote sensing system; it produces its own energy to acquire information, versus passive systems, like cameras, that only receive energy. LiDAR systems are made up of a scanner, which is a laser transmitter and receiver; a GNSS (GPS) receiver; and an inertial navigation system (INS). These instruments are mounted to an aircraft. The laser scanner transmits near-infrared light to the ground. The light reflects off the ground and returns to the scanner. The scanner measures the time interval and intensity of the reflected signals. This information is integrated with the positional information provided by the GNSS and INS to create a three-dimensional point cloud representing the surface. A LiDAR system can record millions of points per second, resulting in high spatial resolution, which allows for differentiation of many fine terrain features. Point clouds collected with LiDAR can be used to create three-dimensional representations of the Earth’s surface, such as Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Digital Surface Models (DSMs). DEMs model the elevation of the ground without objects on the surface, and DSMs model ground elevations as well as surface objects such as trees and buildings. LidarBC's **Open LiDAR Data Portal** (see link under Resources) is an initiative to provide **open** public access to LiDAR and associated datasets collected by the Government of British Columbia. The data in the portal is released as Open Data under the [**Open Government Licence – British Columbia**]( (OGL-BC). Four Government of British Columbia business areas and one department of the Government of Canada make LiDAR data available through the portal: * [**GeoBC**]( * [**Emergency Management and Climate Readiness**]( (EMCR) * [**BC Timber Sales**]( (BCTS) * [**Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch**]( (FAIB) * [**Natural Resources Canada**]( (NRCan) GeoBC is the provincial branch that oversees and manages LidarBC’s Open LiDAR Data Portal, including storage, distribution, maintenance, and updates. Please direct questions to ****.