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NGU Superficial geology - OneGeology-Europe WP3. Mapscale 1:1 M. This service shows surface geology, structures and bedrock defined by rock types and ages. The bedrock areas are also assigned to tectonic units. The map is composed of data resulting from several mapping campaigns, performed over decades, compiled and archived in digital format, published or prepared in manuscript format between 1989 and 2001. Due to the variation of quality and scales of different mapping campaigns the level of accuracy in the underlying national database is variable. The database is designed for presentation in the 1:1M scale.
Seabed geology of the sub-Quaternary compiled for the WP 4 of the EMODnet project (lithology, chronostratigraphy). The geology covers the greater North Sea, Baltic Sea, Celtic Sea and parts of the North Atlantic Ocean.
SGU Berggrundsgeologi - Fennoskandiska sk?lden - OneGeology-Europe projektet. Detta ?r en demonstrationsstj?nst inom projektet OneGeology-Europe med syfte att visa harmoniserade ?ldrar och leverera GeoSciML som svar p? GetFeatureInfo