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    The "Prairie Agricultural Landscapes (PAL)" datasets identify areas of the agricultural portions of the Canadian Prairies with similar land and water resources, land use and farming practices. They are represented by vector polygons. Based on selected attributes from the Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) and the 1996 Census of Agriculture, the Prairies were classified into 13 (thirteen) classes of Land Practices Group and five (5) Major Land Practices Groups. Typical attributes used to define the Land Practice Groups include: land in pasture, land in summerfallow, crop mixture, farm size and the level of chemical and fertilizer inputs. The five (5) Major Groups were devised to help better understand the relationships between the groups. For more information, visit: https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/0b2303be-ef05-49a8-8082-44a3eabcfa57

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    Mapa Solar

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    PhysicalSample in the state of Alaska

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    Precipitation percentile products are created by comparing the accumulated precipitation amounts (mm) for the time period being processed against all available historical information from the same window of time. This comparison will rank the current amount and assign it a percentile value determined by where it falls against the historic record. Products are produced for the following timeframes: Agricultural Year, Growing Season, and Winter Season as well as rolling products for 30, 60, 90, and 180 days. These values are intended to provide users with a general idea of the how the amount of precipitation that has been received by a region over the given timeframe compares to the amount which has been received in the historical record. For more information, visit: https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/78b65ae0-fe1e-40ac-9d1d-ed4c7aaa0684 / Centile des précipitationssont établies en comparant les hauteurs de précipitations accumulées (mm) pour la période traitée à toutes les données historiques disponibles pour la même période. Cette comparaison classera le montant actuel et lui attribuera une valeur centile déterminée selon le point où elle tombe par rapport au record historique. Les produits sont générés pour les périodes suivantes : Année agricole, saison de croissance et la saison hivernale ainsi que les produits roulants pour les jours 30, 60, 90, et 180. Ces valeurs visent à donner aux utilisateurs une idée générale de la façon dont la hauteur de précipitations reçue dans une région sur une période donnée se compare à la hauteur reçue selon les données historiques. Pour plus d'information, consulter : http://ouvert.canada.ca/data/fr/dataset/78b65ae0-fe1e-40ac-9d1d-ed4c7aaa0684

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    Contour Lines generated from LiDAR data captured by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL). The contour lines connect points of equal elevation for the landscape covered by this project. For more information, visit: http://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/9bdc1a9c-baf7-4eb0-a532-c1057b284b8f

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    Tilastokeskuksen palvelurajapinta (WMS)

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    Tilastokeskuksen palvelurajapinta (WMS)

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    The Grain Elevators in Canada dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as much as possible to an actual location rather than generalizing to the station name centroid. Additionally car spot information from CN, CP and the grain companies has been added where this has been published. This dataset attempts to provide a temporal and geographical extent of the grain elevators in Canada. For more information, visit: www.agr.gc.ca/atlas/metadata/5e0b5778-80cd-4697-8b84-23b4a814c1ae

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    Les cartes du potentiel et des limitations des terres pour l'agriculture peuvent être utilisées à l'échelle régionale pour aider la prise de décisions sur l'amélioration des terres et le remembrement des exploitations agricoles, pour l'élaboration de plans d'aménagement et pour la préparation d'évaluations équitables des terres. Pour plus d'information, consulter : http://ouvert.canada.ca/data/fr/dataset/0c113e2c-e20e-4b64-be6f-496b1be834ee

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