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WFS service for befolkningsstatistikkrutenett2017
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Ce service présente la valeur moyenne des logements estimée par le propriétaire au Canada par subdivision de recensement, 2016. Les données proviennent du Profil du recensement, produit numéro 98-316-X2016001 au catalogue de Statistique Canada La valeur du logement privé estimée par le propriétaire désigne le montant en dollars que s’attendrait à recevoir le propriétaire s’il vendait son actif. Dans le contexte des logements, cela réfère à la valeur du logement entier, y compris celle du terrain et de toute autre construction, telle qu’un garage, sur la propriété. Si le logement qu’occupe le ménage est situé dans un immeuble qui en contient plusieurs ou qui contient aussi bien des locaux commerciaux que résidentiels, lesquels appartiennent tous au ménage, il faut estimer uniquement la valeur marchande du logement qu’habite le ménage.
This service shows the ratio of immigrants who arrived between 2001 and 2016 to immigrants who arrived before 2001, by 2016 census subdivision. The data is a custom extraction from the 2016 Census - 25% sample data. This data pertains to persons in private households who are immigrants by their period of immigration. 'Immigrant' includes persons who are, or who have ever been, landed immigrants or permanent residents. Such persons have been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities. Immigrants who have obtained Canadian citizenship by naturalization are included in this category. In the 2016 Census of Population, 'Immigrant' includes immigrants who landed in Canada on or prior to May 10, 2016. 'Period of immigration' refers to the period in which the immigrant first obtained landed immigrant or permanent resident status.
This service shows the predominant mother tongue in each census subdivision based on English, French or non-official language. The data is from the data table Mother Tongue (10), Age (27) and Sex (3) for the Population of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2016 Census - 100% Data, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-400-X2016046. Mother tongue refers to the first language learned at home in childhood and still understood by the person at the time the data was collected. If the person no longer understands the first language learned, the mother tongue is the second language learned. For a person who learned two languages at the same time in early childhood, the mother tongue is the language this person spoke most often at home before starting school. The person has two mother tongues only if the two languages were used equally often and are still understood by the person. For a child who has not yet learned to speak, the mother tongue is the language spoken most often to this child at home. The child has two mother tongues only if both languages are spoken equally often so that the child learns both languages at the same time.
This service shows the ratio of immigrants who arrived between 2001 and 2016 to immigrants who arrived before 2001, by 2016 census subdivision. The data is a custom extraction from the 2016 Census - 25% sample data. This data pertains to persons in private households who are immigrants by their period of immigration. 'Immigrant' includes persons who are, or who have ever been, landed immigrants or permanent residents. Such persons have been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities. Immigrants who have obtained Canadian citizenship by naturalization are included in this category. In the 2016 Census of Population, 'Immigrant' includes immigrants who landed in Canada on or prior to May 10, 2016. 'Period of immigration' refers to the period in which the immigrant first obtained landed immigrant or permanent resident status.
This service shows the proportion of commuters using sustainable transportation for Canada by 2016 census division. The data is from the data table Main Mode of Commuting (10), Commuting Duration (7), Time Leaving for Work (7), Sex (3) and Age (5) for the Employed Labour Force Aged 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work or No Fixed Workplace Address, in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-400-X2016324. 'Main mode of commuting' refers to the main mode of transportation a person uses to travel between his or her home and his or her place of work. 'Sustainable transportation' refers to persons using public transit (bus; subway or elevated rail; light rail, streetcar or commuter train; or passenger ferry) or active transport (walked or bicycle).
This service shows the average owner estimated value of dwelling for Canada by 2016 census subdivision. The data is from the Census Profile, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2016001. Value (owner estimated) of private dwelling refers to the dollar amount expected by the owner if the asset were to be sold. In the context of dwelling, it refers to the value of the entire dwelling, including the value of the land it is on and of any other structure, such as a garage, which is on the property. If the dwelling is located in a building which contains several dwellings, or a combination of residential and business premises, all of which the household owns, the value is estimated as a portion of the market value that applies only to the dwelling in which the household resides.
Ce service présente le pourcentage de la population, à l’exclusion des pensionnaires d’un établissement institutionnel, ayant des connaissances en anglais et en français au Canada par division de recensement, 2016. Les données proviennent du Profil du recensement, produit numéro 98-316-X2016001 au catalogue de Statistique Canada. La connaissance des langues officielles désigne la capacité d’une personne de soutenir une conversation en français seulement, en anglais seulement, dans les deux langues ou dans ni l’une ni l’autre. Dans le cas d’un enfant qui n’a pas encore appris à parler, cela comprend les langues que l’enfant apprend à parler à la maison. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, se reporter à « connaissance des langues officielles » dans le Dictionnaire du Recensement de la population de 2016.