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    The permanent sample plot is a circular sample unit that covers an area of 400 m2. For each tree, the species, diameter, defoliation of softwoods and the quality of hardwoods are observed and measured. Some of these stems are the subject of further studies in order to know their height and age. Finally, other surveys make it possible to identify the ecological characteristics of the station where the plot is located, whether at ground level or undergrowth plants. Since 1970, more than 12,000 permanent sample plots have been established and are monitored decennial. This data is an invaluable source of information on the growth and evolution of forests in Quebec, a source that is enriched each time additional measures are added. In particular, they are used to establish forest growth rates, describe past changes, and model forest evolution. This database covers almost all of the territory south of the 52nd parallel of Quebec's public and private forest. __Note:__ Notice to people who want to use the permanent sample plots for training needs or for sampling of any kind. Please contact the Forest Inventory Directorate at**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**