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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the structures theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography, and verified with field inspections. Chimneys, Incinerators, Silos and Weigh Scales are all examples of what is found in this theme. Structure feature codes and their descriptions are provided with the download in a NSTDB feature code table. Data download also available via GeoNova: https://nsgi.novascotia.ca/WSF_DDS/DDS.svc/DownloadFile?tkey=fhrTtdnDvfytwLz6&id=16 Map service view also available via GeoNova: https://nsgiwa.novascotia.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BASE/BASE_NSTDB_10k_Structures_UT83/MapServer?f=jsapi
The province of PEI has been monitoring dissolved oxygen in some Island estuaries since 2015. This dataset contains data collected from 2015 to 2021. Monitoring results from later years can also be found on the Prince Edward Island open data portal.This dataset includes raw data from 20 Island estuaries from across PEI; mapped locations of monitoring sites; and downloadable raw data. The data includes dissolved oxygen concentration, dissolved oxygen saturation, water temperature and instrument depth. Data is usually collected between May and October of each year. 18 estuaries are monitored on a 3 year rotating cycle with at least 6 of these 18 monitored in any given year. Another 2 estuaries are monitored every year. 2 locations are monitored in each estuary; the Upper Estuary location represents the upper 10% boundary of the estuary’s surface area, is closest to the freshwater inputs and should display signs of eutrophication if they are present; the Mid Estuary location represents the mid-point or 50% boundary of the surface area of the estuary. The Mid Estuary site may have two loggers, one placed about 0.5 m the bottom substrate and one placed about 0.5 m from the surface of the water. Data may be used to determine hourly fluctuations in oxygen, the degree of eutrophication, and the presence and duration of anoxia and hypoxia. Temperature and instrument depth (not the same as water depth at the site) data are also collected and available for use.
Polyline layer of snowmobile trails in the territory of the city of Shawinigan. [Link to the complete Isogeo sheet] (https://open.isogeo.com/s/b6da64af30234cbda2afed3972a5fc3e/Urd8YxfJdWSzGaUmhHFMY60vx14s0/r/40dd9b9d51e74f3dbbc47111e45688ad?lock)! [Shawinigan logo] (https://jmap.shawinigan.ca/doc/photos/LogoShawinigan.jpg) **Collection method** Scanning from orthophotography **Attributs** * `objectid` (`integer`): * `st_length (shape) `(`double`): Length**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Montreal manages a fleet of road structures for which the City is partially or completely responsible for their inspections. The set presents the inventory of road structures on the territory, including also the general condition index (ICG). Road structures include bridges, footbridges, noise barriers, tunnels, retaining walls, snow docks, and culverts. WARNING: This data is published to provide a better understanding of the City's assets, but should under no circumstances be used for engineering calculations.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Under the Regulation respecting the mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere (RDOECA), the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change collects data on air contaminants emitted by Quebec companies in particular. Thus, any person or municipality operating an establishment that emits air contaminants above thresholds into the atmosphere is required to report its emissions no later than June 1 of each year. This dataset includes emissions of air contaminants reported under RDOECA or voluntarily expressed in metric tons, with the exception of dioxin and furan emissions, which are expressed in metric tons of toxic equivalents.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
A database of geospatial coordinates that represent points of reference for photos that are held in the Archives' of Ontario's collection. The photos themselves are not part of the dataset.
Witch Flounder otoliths are collected from scientific surveys, fisheries observers on fishing vessels and from scientific sampling of commercial fisheries. The otoliths collected are placed in paper envelopes, recorded and held in a climate-controlled storage facility. Digital images of each pair of otoliths collected are captured when possible. The information made available through this metadata record is the summary of otoliths present in the collection at the Gulf Fisheries Centre in Moncton, NB, Canada. There is additional information of observed sex, length, weight and age information of fish specimens made by trained Fisheries and Oceans Canada technicians that can be made available upon request. PARAMETERS COLLECTED: length (biological), age (biological) NOTES ON QUALITY CONTROL: A reference collection for ageing Witch flounder is currently being worked on and will be used to calibrate the age readings obtained by the fisheries technicians that use the otoliths for age estimation. PHYSICAL SAMPLE DETAILS: Fish otoliths SAMPLING METHODS: Witch Flounder otoliths are obtained from fish specimens collected during research surveys, observer activities onboard commercial fishing vessels and during scientific sampling of commercial fisheries. The sagittal otolith is removed from sampled specimens, recorded, placed in a protective medium and held in a climate-controlled storage facility. Digital images of each pair of otoliths collected are captured when possible.
This theme presents the location of samples of contaminants of emerging interest (CIE) carried out by the Directorate-General for Monitoring the State of the Environment (DGSEE) as part of its work since 2000. Each station is accompanied by a link in the attribute table allowing the reader to access an Excel file presenting the concentrations of CIE detected, the list of CIE analyzed at least once at the station, the list of reports produced from the samples taken at the station, as well as information on surface water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic life. The dataset on contaminants of emerging interest also includes a layer of polygons presenting the drainage areas of some of the stations and a data table including the compilation of land use by category for the last year available at the time the data was generated. The drainage areas and the land use table are linked to the sampling stations based on the BQMA station number.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
## #Description This database contains the coordinates of observations of fish and invertebrates, which are exotic and invasive, known by the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP) in Quebec (MELCCFP) in Quebec as of May 2024. An aquatic invasive species is a plant, animal, or microorganism (virus, bacteria, or fungus) that is introduced outside of its natural range, colonizes new sites or regions at a rapid rate, and can form dominant populations. Its establishment or spread can pose a threat to the environment, economy, or society. ## #Les observations come from a variety of sources such as: * scientific sampling conducted by the MELCCFP and by other governmental or non-profit organizations; * references from citizens who contacted MELCCFP customer service directly or using tools such as Sentinel and iNaturalist; * accidental catches by commercial fishermen who are members of the Saint Lawrence Exotic Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection Network. For more information on the control of aquatic invasive species, introduction factors, or prevention methods, consult the following web page: [Management of exotic invasive animal species] (https://www.quebec.ca/agriculture-environnement-et-ressources-naturelles/faune/gestion-faune-habitats-fauniques/gestion-especes-exotiques-envahissantes-animales). To help you identify the various species of freshwater fish in Quebec (native and invasive), use the iPêche mobile application (available [here] (https://www.quebec.ca/tourisme-et-loisirs/activites-sportives-et-de-plein-air/peche-sportive/identifier-poisson-ipeche)), which is free and developed by the Government of Quebec. This application allows voluntary reporting of catches for wildlife research purposes. ## #Mises on guard * __Please consult the PDF document for the list of acronyms and references used in the database “Invasive exotic aquatic fauna in Quebec” .__ * The data is not exhaustive. Thus, the absence of information in a given territory does not mean that there is no invasive aquatic fauna there. * The observations transmitted by means of photographs are validated by experts, but have not all been subject to field validation by the MELCCFP. * The observations may have been subject to changes since their integration into the database (e.g. control action).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Total outbound visitor spending by residents of Ontario. ## Related * [Outbound visits](/dataset/outbound-visits) * [Outbound visitor spending by province](/dataset/outbound-visitor-spending-by-province) * [Outbound visitor spending by country](/dataset/outbound-visitor-spending-by-country) * [Outbound visits by province](/dataset/outbound-visits-by-province) * [Outbound visits by country](/dataset/outbound-visits-by-country) * [Outbound visits by U.S. state](/dataset/outbound-visits-by-us-state) * [Outbound visitor spending by U.S. state](/dataset/outbound-visitor-spending-by-us-state) *[U.S.]: United States