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Les Silos à grains du Canada – jeu de données contient la liste des silos à grains au Canada telle qu’elle est communiquée par la Commission canadienne des grains (CCG). Les silos ont été localisés dans toute la mesure du possible selon leur emplacement réel, plutôt qu’une généralisation au point milieu du nom de la gare. De plus, l’information relative aux places de wagons du CN, du CP et des entreprises céréalières a été ajoutée lorsqu’elle a été publiée. Le présent jeu de données vise à offrir l’étendue temporelle et géographique des silos à grains au Canada.
The Grain Elevators in Canada dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as much as possible to an actual location rather than generalizing to the station name centroid. Additionally car spot information from CN, CP and the grain companies has been added where this has been published. This dataset attempts to provide a temporal and geographical extent of the grain elevators in Canada. For more information, visit:
The Grain Elevators in Canada dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as much as possible to an actual location rather than generalizing to the station name centroid. Additionally car spot information from CN, CP and the grain companies has been added where this has been published. This dataset attempts to provide a temporal and geographical extent of the grain elevators in Canada. For more information, visit: