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The "Soils of Canada, Derived" national scale thematic datasets display the distribution and areal extent of soil attributes such as drainage, texture of parent material, kind of material, and classification of soils in terms of provincial Detailed Soil Surveys (DDS) polygons, Soil Landscape Polygons (SLCs), Soil Order and Great Group. The relief and associated slopes of the Canadian landscape are depicted on the local surface form thematic dataset. The purpose of the "Soils of Canada, Derived" series is to facilitate the cartographic display and basic queries of the Soil Landscapes of Canada at a national scale. For more detailed or sophisticated analysis, users should investigate the full "Soil Landscapes of Canada" product. For more information, visit:
The "Soils of Canada, Derived" national scale thematic datasets display the distribution and areal extent of soil attributes such as drainage, texture of parent material, kind of material, and classification of soils in terms of provincial Detailed Soil Surveys (DDS) polygons, Soil Landscape Polygons (SLCs), Soil Order and Great Group. The relief and associated slopes of the Canadian landscape are depicted on the local surface form thematic dataset. The purpose of the "Soils of Canada, Derived" series is to facilitate the cartographic display and basic queries of the Soil Landscapes of Canada at a national scale. For more detailed or sophisticated analysis, users should investigate the full "Soil Landscapes of Canada" product. For more information, visit:
The "Canada's First Fall Frost Normals (1981-2010)" dataset contains the Mean and Median First Fall Frost Julian day calculated from the ANUSPLIN gridded data set using the date range from January 1, 1981 - December 31, 2010. The dataset also includes the Mean and Median Frost Free Period (given as a count of calendar days). For the purposes of this dataset a Frost Free day is defined as a day where the minimum daily temperature is greater than 0.0 Celsius.For more information, visit:
The National Ecological Framework for Canada provides a consistent, national spatial framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on. It provides standard ecological units that allow different jurisdictions and disciplines to use common communication and reporting, and a common ground to report on the state of the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada. The framework was developed between 1991 and 1999 by the Ecosystems Science Directorate, Environment Canada and the Center for Land and Biological Resources Research, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Over 100 federal and provincial agencies, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies contributed to its development. For more information, visit:
Topographic data for lakes within the Qu'Appelle River Valley in central Saskatchewan. This data was collected in the fall of 2008 and consists of contour lines, shorelines, spot heights, and tile index. For more information, visit:
Topographic data for lakes within the Qu'Appelle River Valley in central Saskatchewan. This data was collected in the fall of 2008 and consists of contour lines, shorelines, spot heights, and tile index. For more information, visit:
The Census of Agriculture is disseminated by Statistics Canada's standard geographic units (boundaries). Since these census units do not reflect or correspond with biophysical landscape units (such as ecological regions, soil landscapes or drainage areas), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in collaboration with Statistics Canada's Agriculture Division, have developed a process for interpolating (reallocating or proportioning) Census of Agriculture information from census polygon-based units to biophysical polygon-based units. In the "Interpolated census of agriculture", suppression confidentiality procedures were applied by Statistics Canada to the custom tabulations to prevent the possibility of associating statistical data with any specific identifiable agricultural operation or individual. Confidentiality flags are denoted where "-1" appears in data cell. This indicates information has been suppressed by Statistics Canada to protect confidentiality. Null values/cells simply indicate no data is reported. For more information, visit:
The National Ecological Framework for Canada (v2.2) provides a consistent, national spatial framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on. It provides standard ecological units that allow different jurisdictions and disciplines to use common communication and reporting, and a common ground to report on the state of the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada. The framework was developed between 1991 and 1999 by the Ecosystems Science Directorate, Environment Canada and the Center for Land and Biological Resources Research, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Over 100 federal and provincial agencies, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies contributed to its development. For more information, visit:
The "Canada's First Fall Frost Normals (1981-2010)" dataset contains the Mean and Median First Fall Frost Julian day calculated from the ANUSPLIN gridded data set using the date range from January 1, 1981 - December 31, 2010. The dataset also includes the Mean and Median Frost Free Period (given as a count of calendar days). For the purposes of this dataset a Frost Free day is defined as a day where the minimum daily temperature is greater than 0.0 Celsius.For more information, visit:
The “Cereals and Pulses Science Sector by CCS” data was derived from the 2011 Census of Agriculture using published and draft documentation describing the Science Sector. It was created for facilitating the geographic description, analysis, and reporting of the sector. The selection of 2011 Census of Agriculture variables was derived from the “STB – AAFC Cereals and Pulses Strategy” (Version 21) document produced on February 25th, 2014 and states;“The cereal and pulse crops that fall within the scope of the STB’s programming and hence this sector science strategy are as follows: Cereals; Wheat (all classes), Barley (malt and feed), oats, rye, triticale, corn for grain Pulses; dry beans (white and coloured), dry peas ( green, yellow and other), lentils, chickpeas”. For more information, visit: