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    View spatial imagery of Ontario captured by satellite or airplane. __Background__ Every five years, the Ministry of Natural Resources coordinates projects to photograph high resolution imagery of settled areas of the province. Geospatial Ontario (GEO) acquires, maintains, and distributes this high-resolution imagery collected across Ontario. From 2013 to 2023, public and private sector organizations partnered with Ontario to share in the costs of acquiring aerial imagery. Project participants included: * other Ontario ministries * municipalities * federal agencies * conservation authorities * non-government organizations (NGOs) * private companies Starting in 2024, GEO will fully fund imagery acquisitions. All imagery will be released openly and available to everyone as soon as the imagery is ready as a mappable product. __Technical information__ This record includes all collections of digital orthophotography which are currently open to the public. Collections are differentiated by year of acquisition and region of the province covered. Orthophotographs are primarily taken during the spring in leaf-off/low-leaf conditions. All orthophotography is available as GeoTIFFs with the following bands of spectral information: * red * green * blue * near-infrared Pixel size is consistent within collections but varies between collections, ranging from a minimum of 16 cm to a maximum of 50 cm. __Open imagery access restrictions__ Starting in 2024, most orthophotography acquisitions will be made available under the Open Government Licence. This only applies to orthophotography collections where Ontario owns the intellectual property rights. __Open Government licensed orthophotography collection release schedule__ 2022 release: * Algonquin 2015 * Central Ontario Orthophotography (COOP) 2016 * Digital Raster Acquisition Project East (DRAPE) 2008 * Digital Raster Acquisition Project East (DRAPE) 2014 * Simcoe Muskoka Dufferin 2008 * South Central Ontario Orthophotography Project (SCOOP) 2013 * Southwest Ontario Orthophotography Project (SWOOP) 2006 * Southwest Ontario Orthophotography Project (SWOOP) 2010 * Southwest Ontario Orthophotography Project (SWOOP) 2015 2023 release: * Northwest Ontario Orthophotography Project (NWOOP) 2017 2024 release: * South Central Ontario Orthophotography Project (SCOOP) 2018 * South Central Ontario Orthophotography Project (SCOOP) 2023 * Digital Raster Acquisition Project East (DRAPE) 2019-2020 * Southwest Ontario Orthophotography Project (SWOOP) 2020 * Central Ontario Orthophotography Project (COOP) 2021 * Northwest Ontario Orthophotography Project (NWOOP) 2022 2025 release: * Digital Raster Acquisition Project East (DRAPE) 2024 2026 release: Southwest Ontario Orthophotography Project (SWOOP) 2025

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    The Forest Resources Inventory (FRI) provides information about tree species, including: * composition * height * age * density Ontario’s forest resource inventories allow us to support resource management and land use decisions, and help sustain healthy, natural environments. Forest resource inventories for each forest management unit are legally required under the [Crown Forest Sustainability Act (1994)]( Every 10 years, the ministry creates a new forest management plan where inventory data is updated and must be compliant with the requirements detailed in the Act. Ontario’s FRI is also used to meet provincial, federal, and international reporting requirements. These draft FRI Packaged Product data sets are being provided for the purpose of consultation and product development. The number of attributes and the algorithms used to generate the attribute as well as the data formats will change over time and should not be considered the final version. A final version of the structure and content of the FRI will be made available after the required consultations are complete. Data sets will be made available for each Forest Management Unit as they are produced. For more information on the FRI please see: [](