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    This GIS dataset comprises the linear geological features of Map 180, Geology of the Precambrian Shield in northeastern Alberta, NTS 74M and NTS 74L, published by the Alberta Geological Survey. The data are created in ArcInfo and output for public distribution in shapefile format.

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    This GIS data set depicts the faults in the Peace River Arch Region, based on petroleum well log data including formation picks. Well data were sourced from Accumap and EUB data sets. These faults are interpreted from structure top residual surfaces generated by the removal of geological trend. The geological trend was modelled using geostatistical analysis to highlight local offset in multiple, easily recognizable formation tops.The stratigraphic interval considered was from the Cretaceous down to the top of the PreCambrian.

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    This dataset comprises the major geological faults in Alberta bedrock as shown on Alberta Geological Survey Map 236.

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    This GIS dataset is part of a digital compilation of the bedrock geology of Alberta. It is one of the datasets used to produce Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) Map 600. This dataset contains lines representing linear structural elements. In the Rocky Mountains and Foothills these include thrust faults, normal faults and transverse faults as well as the axes of folds (anticlines and synclines). In the Canadian Shield and the Athabasca Basin all faults are given the same symbol (i.e., fault, type unspecified). The data were created in geodatabase format and output for public distribution in shapefile format. AGS Open File Report 2013-02 presents additional information on data sources related to this dataset.

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    This dataset (lineaments_ln_ll.shp) comprises structural features compiled into GIS format from existing literature, published up to 2003. The data represent fault/lineament locations known or inferred in the Alberta Plains. We have chosen to digitize and publish all lineaments from source maps even where they extended beyond the Alberta boundary. Each compiled feature is characterized by a set of attributes including: affected formations (oldest affected and oldest non-affected stratigraphic unit), fault type, fault sense of displacement, evidence used to infer the fault/lineament, original reference information and publication scale, and an estimate of the georeferencing error. The completeness of the captured attribute set varies for each feature as a function of the level of detail in the source article. The data set should be used cautiously. First, the original authors' interpretation of subsurface faults, particularly of 'basement faults', from air photo or satellite imagery lineaments is tenuous. Second, the vast majority of faults inferred in the foreland basin (Alberta Plains) east of the deformation front are normal-slip faults. although only the dip slip component has been inferred, some of these faults may also have a strike-slip component, generally not accounted for. Third, the location of lineaments includes cumulative errors inherent in the process of transferring into GIS lineaments traced by hand in the pre-computer era on small scale (regional) paper-copy maps. Such errors include spatial imprecisions in original lineament identification and drawing and errors in georefencing of the source map, as well as minor errors introduced during lineament digitization. Although each of them is minor at the scale of the original map, the cumulative effect of these errors may be significant and even misleading for large-scale (township or larger) projects.