

2200 record(s)
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    Distribution (range) polygons were assembled by regional SARA biologists using the best available information, including COSEWIC status reports, recovery potential assessments, academic literature, and expert opinion. These spatial data support the protection, recovery and conservation of species listed as Extirpated, Endangered, Threatened or Special Concern under SARA. Species distributions are also described and displayed in Recovery Strategies, Action Plans and/or Management Plans. Discrepancies may exist between the distribution data shown in a species SARA recovery document and the current spatial data. Please contact DFO for more information on any data discrepancies. Please refer to the metadata included with the data for full entity attribute information

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    A 1:20,000 version of annotation labels for the Whitehorse Vegetation Inventory. The field work for the inventory was carried out during the winter of 2004/2005 with the project delivered by the contractor in October 2005. Delineation was based on 1:10,000 black and white photography acquired by the City of Whitehorse in 2001. Mapping and DTM were available for this project based on the 2001 photography.

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    The Yukon Territory is underlain by a great variety of rock types ranging in age from Early Proterozoic to Recent and representing diverse environments including epicratonic basins, subsiding shelves, foreland basins, island arcs and deep ocean basins. Episodes of compressional and extensional deformation, transcurrent faulting, metamorphism and plutonism further complicate the map pattern. This complex geological record has been described in terms of the interactions of several terranes (large parts of the earth's crust which preserve a common geological record) with each other and with the margin of ancestral North America.

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    Place name annotation captured at 1:50,000 scale. Part of the digital NTDB (National Topographic Data Base) from NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada)

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    Location of centre points of Yukon aerial photographs. Data was produced from heads up digitization of paper flightline index maps

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    Place name annotation captured at 1:1,000,000 scale against the Digital Chart of the World (DCW) base using the Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Surveys & Mapping Branch 1:1,000,000 Yukon Territory Map for the Yukon and surrounding area.

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    Oil Sands Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Oil Sands applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Oil Sands.

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    Land administered by Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR), for which Status = Closed. Includes any land parcels closed for any reason.

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    Cultural annotation captured at 1:250,000 scale. Part of the digital NTDB (National Topographic Data Base) from NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada)

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    A placer claim is a parcel of land located or granted for placer mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things belonging to or used in the working of the claim for mining purposes. A placer claim is a rectangular plot of ground. All angles of a claim must be right angles, except in the cases where a boundary line of a previously located claim is adopted as common to both locations. The length of a regular placer claim from post one to post two is 500 feet along a baseline. Co-discovery claims must not exceed 1250 feet each and single discovery claims must not exceed 1500 feet. The Placer Mining Act is available at Visit for detail on how to stake, record and maintain a Placer Claim.