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This file contains the division of the twelve RUIs in Montreal in 2014. “The RUI is an intervention strategy that differs from sectoral urban, economic and social development strategies, by the objectives it pursues and the concerted and participatory approach that it favors. The ultimate objective of the approach is to significantly and sustainably improve the lot of residents of disadvantaged territories. Achieving this ultimate objective depends on the achievement of very diverse “intermediate” objectives that vary depending on the territory.” Source: City of Montreal**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
This file contains the division of the 32 sociological districts in Montreal in 2014. The concept of sociological district does not refer to a formal administrative division. It illustrates Montreal territories (neighborhoods) identified and recognized by local actors on the basis of history, belonging and socio-community organization and the issues involved. Sociological districts are in particular linked to the reference territories of the local consultation tables.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**