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    [forest certification] ( is a voluntary process by which an accredited and independent registration body recognizes that forest management practices meet pre-established standards for sustainable forest management. Compliance with the requirements of a certification system is assessed by an external auditor. Two forest certification systems are currently used by the forest industry in Quebec: the [Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)] ( and the [Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)] ( A management certificate is granted to a forest area and its scope may extend to one or more management units. Forest certification monitoring is limited to public forests managed under the Quebec forest regime.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Biological refuges are small forest areas located on the domain of the State and permanently removed from forest management activities in order to maintain the biological diversity associated with old forests. Their management is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF). Forest management activities are prohibited on the territory of a biological refuge, with few exceptions. There are currently 3,704 biological refuges in Quebec, distributed relatively uniformly throughout managed forests in the domain of the State. Biological refuges can be designated under the Sustainable Forest Development Act (LADTF, chapter A-18.1) or in draft before legal designation. Legally designated organic refuges make up the vast majority. They are exempt from industrial activities, which allows them to be registered in the Quebec Register of Protected Areas (RAP) maintained by the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP). This data comes from the MRNF STF system, which is the __official source__ of this geographic information.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Territories in the domain of the State over which granted rights include wood volume assignments defined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF). There are different types of rights granted according to the purpose (s) of use (s): -Guarantees of supply (GA), wood harvesting permits for the purpose of supplying a wood processing plant (PRAU), biomass PRAU (PRBIO) and delegation agreements (ED) and delegation agreements (ED) on the local forest (FP) or on residual forest territories allow forest management activities according to the various documents legal issues issued by the MRNF. -Education and Research Forests (FER) allow forest management activities for teaching and research purposes according to the contract issued by the MRNF. -The Duchesnay Forest Station (STF) allows forest management activities for teaching, research and tourism purposes according to the contract issued by the MRNF. -Territorial management agreements (CGT) on residual forest territories allow forest management activities and land management in accordance with the agreement issued by the MRNF. -Category 1 (TC1) lands are subject to property rights under conditions dedicated to Indigenous nations under the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and provide a framework for forest management activities. __Important:__ The MRNF does not issue any forest rights on these lands but the volume associated with the forest possibility of these lands is recorded in the SYMPA system. These territorial data come from the MRNF STF system, which is __the official source__ of this geographic information, except for residual forest territories with management agreements (CGT) as well as category 1 land (TC1). Active __granted rights__ are established according to the MRNF SYMPA system. It is possible to identify the various beneficiaries __of active rights only__, i.e. from the STF_beneficiaries table. This table is fed by the SYMPA system, which establishes forest rights and the volumes allocated to them. Correspondence between a territory under granted law and the beneficiaries is possible by relating the table and the data set by the territory number (NO_TERRI).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    An area of intensification of wood production (AIPL) is a territory mainly intended for wood production in which silvicultural work aims to increase the value, per unit area, of the volume per stem or of the quality of the stems, by the production of desired species or by a combination of these various production objectives. This official register of AIPL is applicable according to article 69 of the Sustainable Forest Management Act (LADTF).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    A territorial unit applicable on the forest territory of the State that can include one to several management units (UA), only RGA 05 and 14 include an AU. In an RGA, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) allocates “Supply Guarantee” (GA) wood volumes to beneficiaries. The Sustainable Forest Development Act (LADTF) provides that the supply guarantee (GA) gives its beneficiary the right to annually buy a volume of wood from public forest territories of one or more RGAs, in order to supply the wood processing plant for which this guarantee is granted. The guarantee indicates the annual volumes of wood, by species or group of species, that can be purchased annually by the beneficiary, from each of the regions covered by the guarantee. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, which is the __official source__ of this geographic information. For more information on the list of beneficiaries with their volume assignments by RGA, please consult the [tables by region.] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This division defines the forests attributable to the domain of the State, where it is allowed to manage Quebec forests in a sustainable and continuous manner. Beyond this limit, no forest management will be authorized by the Ministry, except for activities specific to local communities. This new route, adopted on October 4, 2016, has been in force since April 1, 2018, and is regulated by the Sustainable Forest Development Act (LADTF, chapter A-18.1, section 15). This applies to the new division of planning units (UA), which has also been in force since 1 April 2018. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, the __official source__ of this geographic information.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**