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The Resource Management Area (RMA) dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the resource management areas of the 17 Integrated Resource Plans (IRP) - Subregional in Alberta. This dataset does not include the RMAs of Local IPR plans due to the resource restraint. Future enhancement of this data set to include Local IRP plans is feasible when resources are available. A Resource Management Area is an area identified within a Sub-Regional IRP plan for more detailed land and resource management intent on a landscape assessment. Generally, a Resource Management Area is characterized by an intent statement and detailed resource management objectives and guidelines. However, there are IRP plans which have their own specific RMA definitions. Plans include, Lakeland Sub-Regional IRP: A RMA is a geographic area of common resource management intent. There is a management intent statement for each resource management area. The intent statement expresses the resource priorities for the area. Kananaskis Country Sub-Regional IRP: RMA areas identify broad units of land within the planning area which have distinct management intents and specific management objectives.