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The “Businesses by Census Subdivision” is derived from the Statistics Canada’s Business Register. At the request of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Statistics Canada aggregated the number of businesses per NAICS classification and employment class for each Census Subdivision. The data includes the individual occurrences of a business in each census subdivision by indicating its NAICS classification and employment class. The name, location, and any other identifying information about the businesses has been suppressed by Statistics Canada.
Vinsamlega hafið samband við Hagstofuna vegna nánari upplýsinga.
Hagstofan vinnur ýtarleg gögn um mannfjöldann og breytingar hans í samræmi við íbúaskrá Þjóðskrár Íslands 1. janúar ár hvert. Hagstofan birtir einnig tölur um mannfjöldann miðað við 1. desember og bráðabirgðatölur fyrir hvern ársfjórðung. Þá birtir Hagstofan tölur um breytingar mannfjöldans, fjölda fæddra og dáinna, um hjónavígslur og skilnaði, um búferlaflutninga, ríkisfangs- og trúfélagsbreytingar, auk ættleiðinga.
Private Schools that have been approved by the Department to grant the Nova Scotia High School Leaving Certificate
This dataset lists the location of Department of Justice victim services offices throughout the province.
The Population of Canada, 10km Gridded national scale datasets display the distribution and areal extent of rural, urban and total populations across Canada for both 2011 and 2016. The 10km gridded framework is the same 10km gridded framework used within the Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis Tool. This data was created for AAFC by Statistics Canada using AAFC’s 10km gridded framework. The purpose of this data is to display the distribution of rural and urban populations across a 10km x 10km grid of Canada.
Contact Information: Early Years Centres
This the data for the Winnipeg AVPA Regulation's interactive web map. It contains two polygon datasets that help users determine whether a property is affected by requirements in the regulation and a point dataset to help users navigate to properties This is the data for the Winnipeg Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation's interactive web map. It was developed to help interested parties determine whether a property is affected by the Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation. To protect and foster the airport’s operations and continued growth, while ensuring orderly and efficient development within Winnipeg, the Province has adopted an Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation under The City of Winnipeg Charter. The regulation defines two protection areas called "Area 1" and "Area 2".These areas provide direction on where and what type of residential development may take place near the airport. Area 1 comprises of lands immediately adjacent to the airport, where no new residential development will be permitted, except for replacement of buildings and minor infilling. Area 2 is located further away from the airport, where new or replacement residential development may be constructed. All development within the regulated lands must comply with indoor noise level limits set out in the Regulation. The parcel boundaries in this interactive map are representations of parcels as defined by plan of subdivision or plan of survey registered at the Land Titles Office. This type of property boundary was chosen because the land division in these plans is used to define property ownership in Manitoba.
This dataset provides a geographical location (in decimal degrees to the nearest second) for all officially named geographical features within the Province of Manitoba. The purpose of this dataset is to provide a geographical location (in decimal degrees to the nearest second) for all officially named geographical features within the Province of Manitoba, as per the Manitoba Geographical Names Program. The program’s mission is to: “embrace the active preservation of the province’s culture through its toponymy, and provides a naming authority for the enhancement, maintenance, dissemination, and protection of Manitoba’s geographical nomenclature recognizing the integral role geographical names play in our daily lives including their essential value to our scientific, commercial, and economic world.” As part of the program, staff administer and maintain all nomenclature records, an automated names information system, a resource library and archives, supplementary name location maps, a bibliography of name studies, and a commemorative names project. The Manitoba’s Geographical Names database contains more than 24, 000 official and heritage place names found throughout Manitoba. For each place name, the data set contains geographic coordinates, the type of feature, the name’s approval data, its location reference, plus any heritage information recorded about the name. Fields included (Alias (Field Name): Field description.) OBJECTID (OBJECTID): Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Shape (Shape): Coordinates defining the features. Geographical Name (Geographical_Name): Current official name. Unique National Identifier (Field Unique_National_Identifier): Unique national identificatier applied to each toponym by the Geographical Names Board of Canada member for Manitoba. Feature Code (Feature_Code): Numeric code used to classify toponyms based on the nature of the related geographical feature. NTS 250,000 Map Sheet (NTS_250_000_Map_Sheet): Map number of the National Topographic System (NTS) 1:250 000 map sheet that contains the centroid of the toponym. NTS 50,000 Submap Sheet (NTS_50_000_Submap_Sheet): Map number of the National Topographic System (NTS) 1:50 000 map sheet that contains the centroid of the toponym. Latitude (Latitude): Latitude in Decimal Degrees. Longitude (Longitude): Longitude in Decimal Degrees. Casualty Hometown (Casualty_Hometown): Hometown that was provided by the casualty of war at time of enlistment. Casualty Regimental Number (Casualty_Regimental_Number): Regimental number of the casualty of war at the time of their death. Casualty Rank (Casualty_Rank): Rank of the casualty of war at the time of their death. Casualty Surname (Casualty_Surname): Surname of the casualty of war at the time of their death. Casualty Given Name(s) (Casualty_Given_Name_s_): Given name(s) of the casualty of war at the time of their death. Casualty Date of Death (Casualty_Date_of_Death): Date of death for the casualty of war. Casualty Regiment (Casualty_Regiment): Military affiliation of the casualty of war at the time of their death. Casualty Place of Burial (Casualty_Place_of_Burial): Place of burial of the casualty when the geographical feature is named in honour of a casualty of war. Feature Type (Feature_Type): Type of geographical feature, e.g. lake, island, bay, town, city. Feature Type Description (Feature_Type_Description): Description of the geographical feature.
This the data for the Winnipeg AVPA Regulation's interactive web map. It contains two polygon datasets that help users determine whether a property is affected by requirements in the regulation and a point dataset to help users navigate to properties This is the data for the Winnipeg Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation's interactive web map. It was developed to help interested parties determine whether a property is affected by the Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation. To protect and foster the airport’s operations and continued growth, while ensuring orderly and efficient development within Winnipeg, the Province has adopted an Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation under The City of Winnipeg Charter. The regulation defines two protection areas called "Area 1" and "Area 2".These areas provide direction on where and what type of residential development may take place near the airport. Area 1 comprises of lands immediately adjacent to the airport, where no new residential development will be permitted, except for replacement of buildings and minor infilling. Area 2 is located further away from the airport, where new or replacement residential development may be constructed. All development within the regulated lands must comply with indoor noise level limits set out in the Regulation. The parcel boundaries in this interactive map are representations of parcels as defined by plan of subdivision or plan of survey registered at the Land Titles Office. This type of property boundary was chosen because the land division in these plans is used to define property ownership in Manitoba.