Science and Research Branch
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This dataset contains location information for 2 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: * Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) * Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife (SNOW), administered by the Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section Snow course data is collected by: * conservation authorities * Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) districts * Ontario Power Generation SWMC network data is collected twice a month from November 15 until May 15. SNOW network data is collected once a week from the first snowfall until snowmelt. The Surface Water Monitoring Centre uses the data to assess: * current snow cover * frozen ground conditions * snowpack * potential snowmelt * contributions to streamflow MNR’s Science and Research Branch use the data to: * help manage wildlife species including deer, moose, wild turkey, elk, wolves and coyotes * help ministry resource managers and scientists administer programs and conduct research * inform game management decisions such as white-tailed deer harvest quotas * support flight planning for the Moose Aerial Inventory program
This dataset contains the Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem (GLSE) inventory, which is a geospatial digital inventory of: * ecosite polygon mapping * field survey calibration points * associated ground level ecological data It replaces Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem mapping products versions 1.0 and 2.0. It is an update to those products and includes the data and information contained in them but now includes data and information for the entire Canadian side of the Great Lakes shoreline including connecting channels, from the land to water or wetland interface to two kilometers inland. Mapping and ground sampling adheres to the Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem classification system, (Lee et. al., in prep.) which is a detailed ecological classification and surveying method.
The Forest Resources Inventory (FRI) provides information about tree species, including: * composition * height * age * density Ontario’s forest resource inventories allow us to support resource management and land use decisions, and help sustain healthy, natural environments. Forest resource inventories for each forest management unit are legally required under the [Crown Forest Sustainability Act (1994)]( Every 10 years, the ministry creates a new forest management plan where inventory data is updated and must be compliant with the requirements detailed in the Act. Ontario’s FRI is also used to meet provincial, federal, and international reporting requirements. These draft FRI Packaged Product data sets are being provided for the purpose of consultation and product development. The number of attributes and the algorithms used to generate the attribute as well as the data formats will change over time and should not be considered the final version. A final version of the structure and content of the FRI will be made available after the required consultations are complete. Data sets will be made available for each Forest Management Unit as they are produced. For more information on the FRI please see: [](