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    Information summarizing metadata records that were part of Land Information Ontario's (LIO's) Metadata Management Tool. This table represents metadata records which formerly existed on LIO’s Metadata Management Tool. Records representing data licensed for use under the Open Government Licence - Ontario have migrated to the Ontario GeoHub. The remaining records could not migrate for one of the following reasons: * The data is not spatial. * The metadata record is incomplete. * The metadata contact information is invalid. * The metadata references data that has not been made available to LIO. * LIO cannot confirm that the data has been reviewed to be released under the Open Government Licence - Ontario.

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    This dataset contains the Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem (GLSE) inventory, which is a geospatial digital inventory of: * ecosite polygon mapping * field survey calibration points * associated ground level ecological data It replaces Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem mapping products versions 1.0 and 2.0. It is an update to those products and includes the data and information contained in them but now includes data and information for the entire Canadian side of the Great Lakes shoreline including connecting channels, from the land to water or wetland interface to two kilometers inland. Mapping and ground sampling adheres to the Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem classification system, (Lee et. al., in prep.) which is a detailed ecological classification and surveying method.