Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife
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This dataset contains location information for 2 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: * Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) * Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife (SNOW), administered by the Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section Snow course data is collected by: * conservation authorities * Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) districts * Ontario Power Generation SWMC network data is collected twice a month from November 15 until May 15. SNOW network data is collected once a week from the first snowfall until snowmelt. The Surface Water Monitoring Centre uses the data to assess: * current snow cover * frozen ground conditions * snowpack * potential snowmelt * contributions to streamflow MNR’s Science and Research Branch use the data to: * help manage wildlife species including deer, moose, wild turkey, elk, wolves and coyotes * help ministry resource managers and scientists administer programs and conduct research * inform game management decisions such as white-tailed deer harvest quotas * support flight planning for the Moose Aerial Inventory program