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    BC active and discontinued hydrometric stations (surface water level and flow data) that are part of the provincial hydrometric network managed under a national program jointly administered under a federal-provincial cost-sharing agreement with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

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    This data contains information on active precipitation gauges in Ontario. These precipitation gauges: * measure how much rainfall/precipitation falls on the ground (mm) * are peripherals to hydrometric monitoring stations within the Ontario Hydrometric Network Rainfall and snowmelt are primary causes of flooding in Ontario. The lack of precipitation often causes low water and drought conditions. Data from the gauges is collected and maintained by the Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC). The data supports SWMC and partner organization such as conservation authorities, on the local and provincial scale, with: * flood forecasting and warning * drought monitoring The SWMC transfers precipitation data to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). This happens through an automated process integrated into the SWMC corporate water and climate database. ECCC publishes and maintains a variety of datasets on their Meteorological Services of Canada Datamart, a publicly accessible source for meteorological and hydrological data. This data source has 24/7 operational service and provides support on a best effort basis during normal business hours.

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    This service contains a number of map layers that represent Canadian climate and hydrometric (water quantity) monitoring stations, both active and inactive (discontinued)

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    This data contains location information for 1 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: * Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) Snow course data is collected by: * conservation authorities * Ontario Power Generation * Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) districts Data is collected twice a month from November 15 until May 15. The Surface Water Monitoring Centre uses this data to assess: * current snow cover * frozen ground conditions * snowpack * potential snowmelt * contributions to streamflow The snow data is located in a corporate water and climate database. This data helps MNR and conservation authorities assess the potential for flood at the local and provincial scale.

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    This dataset contains location information for 2 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: * Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) * Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife (SNOW), administered by the Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section Snow course data is collected by: * conservation authorities * Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) districts * Ontario Power Generation SWMC network data is collected twice a month from November 15 until May 15. SNOW network data is collected once a week from the first snowfall until snowmelt. The Surface Water Monitoring Centre uses the data to assess: * current snow cover * frozen ground conditions * snowpack * potential snowmelt * contributions to streamflow MNR’s Science and Research Branch use the data to: * help manage wildlife species including deer, moose, wild turkey, elk, wolves and coyotes * help ministry resource managers and scientists administer programs and conduct research * inform game management decisions such as white-tailed deer harvest quotas * support flight planning for the Moose Aerial Inventory program

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    This project combines water quality (ENVIRODAT) and water quantity (HYDAT) data to compute annual chemical loads in Pacific and Yukon Region. Chemical loads are estimated based on several statistical estimators. A module has been developed to guide which statistical estimators is used to predict annual chemical loads for a given location. Chemical loads are estimated where water quantity and quality stations are co-located. This project enhances the use of water quality and quantity data, and increases the abilities of the individuals to predict the loading estimates of chemicals. It provides direct access to integrated data and information at the station level. This loading estimates information can then be used to as the input to models such as nutrients and sediment transport to provide further water quality and/or water quantity information at the regional level. This project also provides OGC compliant Web Mapping Service layers for both water quality and quantity stations in Pacific and Yukon Region. Through these layers, users can easily get access to both annual loading estimates and real-time or archived hydrometric data. A number of web services are also made available for users to download station level metadata, water quality and quantity data.

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    Point locations of water and weather monitoring stations used by the [Surface Water Monitoring Centre]( to assess flood and drought conditions across Ontario. Monitoring station types include: * streamflow gauge stations * Environment and Climate Change Canada climate stations * Ministry of Transportation road weather stations * Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) fire weather stations * MNRF snow network stations (wildlife) * MNRF snow survey stations (weather) * Ontario Power Generation snow survey stations (weather)