Territory application
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Contact for the resource
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This data shows the names of accredited independent forest advisers who work throughout the territory covered by the various agencies. Independent forest advisors accredited by regional private forest development agencies deliver the Private Forest Development Assistance Program (PAMVFP) by offering forest management services to forest producers throughout the territory of the agency that accredits them. To find out about all the forest consultants offering management services on your property, contact the regional agency in your region. To learn more about the PAMVFP, visit the [Financial assistance to develop your woodlot] page (https://www.quebec.ca/agriculture-environnement-et-ressources-naturelles/forets/proprietaires-forets-privees/aide-financiere/programme-mise-en-valeur) on the Government of Quebec website (quebec.ca). For more information on private forest partners, consult the [Organizations active in private forest] page. (https://www.quebec.ca/agriculture-environnement-et-ressources-naturelles/forets/proprietaires-forets-privees/organismes-foret-privee)**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
This product is represented by a polygonal layer covering the territory served by forest groups. Forest groups accredited by regional private forest development agencies deliver the Private Forest Development Assistance Program (PAMVFP) by offering forest management services to forest producers in exclusive territories. To find out about all the forest groups offering management services on your property, contact the regional agency in your region. For more information about __PAMVFP__, consult: [Financial assistance to develop your woodlot | Gouvernment du Québec (quebec.ca).] (https://www.quebec.ca/agriculture-environnement-et-ressources-naturelles/forets/proprietaires-forets-privees/aide-financiere/programme-mise-en-valeur) For more information on private forest partners: https://www.quebec.ca/agriculture-environnement-et-ressources-naturelles/forets/proprietaires-forets-privees/organismes-foret-privee**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Forest producers' unions are non-profit organizations that bring together forest owners in their region. The mission of these organizations is to promote, defend and protect the socio-economic interests of forest owners. Under various names, 13 unions or offices of forest producers are present across Quebec and are affiliated to the [Federation of Quebec Forest Producers (FPFQ)] (https://www.foretprivee.ca/). Unions or agencies administer a regional joint plan that regulates the marketing of forest products from private lands. This numerical information is for illustrative purposes only. Legally, territorial boundaries are described in the regulations of each regional joint plan of forest producers adopted under the Act Respecting the Marketing of Agricultural, Food and Fishery Products. If in doubt, please check with the forest producers' union in your region. Refer to https: [//www.foretprivee.ca/jamenage-ma-foret/intervenants-en-foret-privee/syndicats-offices-de-producteurs-forestiers/] (//www.foretprivee.ca/jamenage-ma-foret/intervenants-en-foret-privee/syndicats-offices-de-producteurs-forestiers/)**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**