Wind strength and direction
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Measurement data on the "Rossiya" icebreaker.This dataset is included the following parameters:temperature of water,salinity,dencity.Additionally, meteorological data are presented:wind speed,wind direction, air temperature, visibility.
Meteorological data of the R/V "Mikhail Somov" in the Arctic. This dataset is included the following meteorological parameters:Wind Speed,Wind Direction,Visibility,Total Clouds Cover,Air Temperature,Sea Level Pressure,Pressure Tendency,Amount of Pressure Tendency,Present Weather,Height of Wind Waves.
This dataset is included the following meteorological parameters: wind speed, wind direction, visibility, total clouds cover, air temperature, sea level pressure, pressure tendency, amount of pressure tendency, present weather(code), sea surface temperature, height of wind waves and etc. Ship Callsign:"UANA". Research vessel:"Fridtjof Nansen".
This dataset is included the following meteorological parameters: wind speed, wind direction, visibility, total clouds cover, air temperature, sea level pressure, pressure tendency, amount of pressure tendency, present weather(code), sea surface temperature, height of wind waves,direction of primary swell waves and etc. Research vessel:"Viktor Buynitsky". Callsign:"UAJX".
This dataset is included the following meteorological parameters:wind speed,wind direction,visibility,total clouds cover,air temperature,dew point temperature,sea level pressure,pressure tendency,amount of pressure tendency,present weather,sea surface temperature,height of wind waves,direction of primary swell waves,concentration of arrangement of sea ice. Research vessel: "Akademik Fedorov". Call sign: "UCKZ".
This dataset is included the following parameters: Meteorological: air tTemperature,humidity,pressure,wind speed,wind direction. Hydrology: temperature,salinity,density. Hydrochemistry: oxygen,phosphate,silicate,oxygen,pH,alkalinity.
Data of the 27th cruise of the research vessel "Akademik Fyodorov ".
The tasks of the expedition: - conducting complex hydrometeorological observations in the spring-summer period in the Arctic basin of the Arctic Ocean; - obtaining data on the morphometry of the ice cover, the physical and mechanical properties of ice; - study of hydrometeorological and oceanographic conditions.