Withering away
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__The link: *Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset Description Sheets; Additional Information*__. The mapping of insect epidemics, windfalls (trees knocked down by the wind) and ice is produced as part of the ecoforestry inventory of southern Quebec in order to maintain an up-to-date portrait of the forest. It covers the commercial territory of public and private forests in Quebec. The minimum mapping area is 0.1 ha. This portrait is useful, among other things, for evaluating the intensity and extent of damage associated with insects, windfalls and ice. In each case, the mapping represents the loss of forest cover in the form of disturbances ranging from severe (over 75% of dead trees) to slight disturbances (from 25 to 75% of dead trees). The disturbances in this map date back to the beginning of the century (when information is available) to the present day. They are the result of collaboration between the Directorate of Forest Protection and the Directorate of Forest Inventories. The outlines come from forest inventories (first and second decennial inventories) and ecoforestry inventories (third and fourth decennial inventories). Mortality is dated using defoliation layers from the Directorate for Forest Protection. For the epidemic of TBE (spruce budworm), mortality is considered to occur after a succession of five years or more of severe or moderate defoliation. In the case of the surveyor, a single year is enough to decimate a forest stand. The other elements in the layer are dated using LANDSAT imagery, sample plots, and archival documents.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**