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This service shows an overview of Sweden's bedrock and soils (meaning unconsolidated deposits) in the scale of 1:1M. The service contains layers showing bedrock lithology, dyke swarms, bedrock structures and unconsolidated deposits (mainly quaternary) covering the whole of Sweden. The information is complied from various surveys and existing maps throughout the country, and is a highly generalised product intended to give an overview on a national level.
This service is a joint contribution by the geological surveys in Finland, Norway and Sweden to the OneGeology initiative. The Geological Map of Fennoscandian Shield outlines the main features of Finland's, Norway's and Sweden's bedrock geology. The map is composed of data resulting from several mapping campaigns, performed over decades and compiled and archived in digital format. Due to the variation of quality and scales of different mapping campaigns the level of accuracy in the underlying national database is variable. This service includes layers showing bedrock areas defined by lithology, dyke swarms and tectonic structures.