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PURPOSE: The objective of the sea scallop survey is to obtain fishery independent data on the abundance, size distribution and location of scallops in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and to provide science advice on stock status to fishery managers, decision makers and industry stakeholders. DESCRIPTION: The sea scallop research survey is conducted on CCGS MPerley (or chartered vessels) and has stratified random sampling. For each tow (or sample), data is recorded on tow, all specimens caught, geolocation, shell height frequency and biological samples. PARAMETERS COLLECTED: Catch number (biological), catch weight (biological), individual lengths (biological), age (biological), meat weight (biological). PHYSICAL SAMPLE DETAILS: A sub-sample of scallop shells is retained and analysed for age determination in the lab. SAMPLING METHODS: From 2012 to 2016, an annual, rotational, multispecies research survey program for scallop in the sGSL was conducted to obtain fishery independent indices of abundance, biomass estimates, and biological characteristics information (shell height, meat weight, sex, clappers). One section of a SFA or the SFA in its entirety was surveyed per year, with the exception of SFA 23 which was excluded because of the low scallop fishing effort reported from this area in recent years. From 2019 to 2023, annual surveys were conducted on the three major beds in the Northumberland Strait (West Point and Cape Tormentine in SFA 22, Pictou in SFA 24), using a similar methodology as the previous surveys. Methodology can be found in the Science Advisory Report and the Research Document listed in the citations list. USE LIMITATION: Please contact the data custodians before attempting to use this information in support of any kind of scientific analyses.
Between 2017 and 2019, Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a baseline survey of marine fishes and their habitats on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf and slope in August and early September each year. Sampling was conducted from the F/V Frosti at 144 stations along nine multi-year transects, and 32 non-transect stations. Standardized sampling was conducted at pre-determined depth stations (20-40, 75, 200, 350, 500, 750, and 1000 m) using a variety of sampling equipment including benthic fishing trawls, plankton nets, sediment cores, and CTD and water sample profiles. Presented here is the information on the sampling locations, and the sampling gear deployed at each station.
From August 6th to September 9th, 2014, Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a baseline survey of marine fishes and their habitats on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf and slope. Sampling was conducted from the F/V Frosti at 56 stations along thirteen transects, with an additional three stations not located on transects. Standardized sampling was conducted on the transects at pre-determined depth stations (20-40, 75, 200, 350, 500, 750, and 1000 m) using a variety of sampling equipment including benthic fishing trawls, plankton nets, sediment cores, and CTD and water sample profiles. Presented here is the information on the sampling locations, and the sampling gear deployed at each station.